
675 26 5

Warnings: Panic

Relationship: Grian/Ren (Fatherly Relationship)


With a storm coming to the land, it's only about 11:30 at night, I had just put Grian down to bed. I saw his wings fall over his shoulders as he slept. I smiled and left him.

The night was fine until two in the morning when a loud thunderclap hit, a bolt of lightning hitting right outside the door. I shot up in my bed and got up to get some water, but instead plugging my ears as another loud clap sounded through my base. I went to my corner and pulled my hands to my ears, starting to rock.

For once in my life, I was alone with no one to tell me that I would be okay. No one to hold me, no one to comfort me. I'm completely alone having a panic attack over a stupid thunderstorm.


I heard my name being called and footsteps.

"Ren?" The person asked, slightly scared but also worried, "Ren, are you okay?"

"Grian, kiddo, go back to bed." I said trying to not let my voice shake.

"But... But you're upset. Also I was woken by the storm." He kneeled beside me and put his wing against the middle of my back, "I heard you in here and I was worried. I thought something was wrong. Are... Are you afraid of thunderstorms, Papa Ren?"

I chuckled lightly, "They uh... They hurt my ears, being part Werewolf and all."

"Can I hug you?"

"C'mere, Moonlight."

I hugged him, feeling his wings curl behind his back to make room for my arms and in a few moments, he was laying against my thigh sleeping...

I smiled at the small child then picked him up, "C'mon my little Moonlight... Let's get you to bed again."

I opened my covers and laid him under them, then climbed right beside him. His wings folded over us, soft and fluffy, comforting even. Grian's always had a thing for wrapping his wings around himself or whoever he may be sleeping with, it usually made him feel safe, less vulnerable.

I gave him a small kiss on the forehead, and thought: 

Adopting him was my best decision ever.

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