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Warnings: Insecurity, Self Doubt, MENTIONED/REFERENCED CUTTING

Relationship: Xisuma/Grian

Requested by Lilryn99, I hope this attends to your requests needs my friend. (1/26)

Summary: Xisuma is self conscious on what he looks like under his helmet. Grian helps him through his insecurity.


People always ask Xisuma why he never takes off his helmet.

His normal excuse was that it helped him breathe better and see clearer.

Whenever he'd get home from working all day and noticed Grian was asleep in their shared bed. He'd always make sure he was awake before Grian woke.

Tonight, he sat on the edge of the bed, helmet to the side of him thinking Grian was asleep.

"I don't know why you hide your face, but I'm wanting to know why." Grian said almost a mumble, almost scaring Xisuma enough to grab the helmet, "Keep it off, X."

Grian sat up in the bed, he slept shirtless so that he wouldn't overheat in his sweater.

"I didn't realize you were awake."

"Don't try and redirect the conversation." Grian said then held out his hand, "Helm, gimme. We're gonna talk about this."


"No, X. I wanna know why you feel the need to hide your face."

Xisuma was still faced away from him.

"X, look at me."

"Grian, I can't-"

"Yes you can." Grian put his hand on his shoulder, "Xisuma, love. Look at me."

With a sigh, Xisuma turned towards him.

Grian's eyes widened with what he saw.

"I- I know. It's-"

"Gorgeous. Xisuma, what's got you so worked up?"

"You mean you don't see the giant 'X' scar in the middle of my face?"

"I do, but that's not what stands out. Your scars don't define you."

"But Grian... This thing is why people call me X."

"We call you X because half of of can't figure out how to pronounce your name."

"This scar-"

"That scar isn't what you are." Grian interrupted once more, "Xisuma look at me. I have scars deep in my wrists that I caused myself, I have scars all over my torso, there are even scars on the sides of my neck, and those are all from the Watchers and Sam. But I don't let them define me. X, you're beautiful just the way you are, you don't need to hide your face."

Xisuma didn't say anything, he only leaned over and hugged the small male.

"Thank you.." He whispered.

"You're welcome... Now give me the helmet. I'm going to make some changes to it."

"What kind of changes?"

"Good ones. Get some sleep."

He didn't ask anymore questions, and Grian took the helmet from Xisuma and went to the other room and began making changes.

By morning he made the helmet almost the exact same. The part that used to cover Xisuma's face now retracts, what usually helps breathing be easier is relatively the same.

He had stay up almost all night working on it, but he didn't mind.

In the other room, Xisuma had just woken up, he ran his fingers down his scar then sighed as Grian walked in.

"Hey, get dressed." Grian chuckled, "Then meet me outside."

"I... Okay.."

Grian walked outside, he waited patiently until Xisuma walked outside in his bee outfit.

"You're taller than me, sit." Grian said with a chuckle, "You're gonna like this."

Xisuma didn't fight him, he followed Grian's demand.

Then there was something going around his neck, then followed up to cover his nose and mouth.

"Grian, what did you do?" Xisuma asked as he stood, "How-?"

"It's retractable. Your visor is retractable, hit the button on the left side and it'll cover your face." Grian explained, "But..."

"Oh no. There's a but."

"There's always a but. But don't cover up unless your constantly flying or in the nether. Okay?"

"I just don't know about this..."

"Sumy, it'll be fine. Nobody here judges you." Grian took Xisuma's hand, "I'm sure if they could get past my scars and my past as a Watcher... I'm sure they can get past yours." 

"Why are you so sweet?"

"Because I know how to help people because I've been through worse. I know what it's like to be insecure and worry about people's opinions about me because of a scar. But it doesn't matter what you are on the outside, it matters on who you are on the inside."

"You're right." Xisuma ruffled Grian's hair, "I'll see you to dinner tonight. I'll look forward to what you make."

"I can make a lot of things happen. You know this." Grian replied with a wink, "I'll see you for dinner. I'm gonna go take a nap."

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