Angel or Avian?

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Warnings: Injury, Grian bites

Relationship: Grian/Impulse

Summary: Grian falls unconscious after being shot down by Scar.

Context: Grian comes into Season six late, A/O/B dynamics. Hippie commune and Area77 still exists regardless of timeline things. Fight me. THIS GETS SO FREAKING WEIRD BY THE END. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, I'M CURRENTLY LAUGHING ABOUT IT.


Scar's POV

I was doing my rounds of the compound when I saw a thing flying in the sky. I grabbed my trident and shot it out of the sky. It crashed against the concrete of the compound and I ran over to it.

I gasped when I saw it had wings and wasn't a drone. I ran over to the person thinking it was Impulse I shot down. It wasn't, this was someone.. Something new.


The unconscious winged figure laid in the middle of the ground of Area77. Doc was nearby enough to hear the fall, he only ran over when he heard Scar call his name.

"What's going on?" He looked down and saw the winged figure, "What is this?"

"I don't know." Scar said softly, rolling the person onto his back, "I saw it flying over the compound and shot it down."

Doc started analyzing the person, "My systems say it's an Avian. I thought Impulse was the only one left."

"He-He is.... Isn't he?"

Doc paused, "Call Impulse over, I'll take it inside and heal it's wounds."

Scar hummed and took off to the Hippie Commune while Doc picked up the person and brought it inside the compound.

It took Scar at least thirty minutes getting Impulse. When the two walked in, he saw Doc stitching up one of the trident holes on the person's shoulder.

"Scar, were we supposed to be expecting a new hermit?" Doc asked just as he and Impulse were walking in, "This thing is new."

"I don't know, that's an Xisuma question." Scar replied, then motioned Impulse to go look at the winged person, "How's he doing, Doc?"

"I honestly don't know. He hasn't moved since I brought him in." Doc grabbed the person's arm and exposed his wrist, "All I know is that he's an omega, he has the omega mark. It's why I told you to bring Impulse because he has the Alpha mark and is the only Avian."

"He's actually not Avian, Doc." Impulse said, moving the person's head revealing a birthmark that was a pair of wings, "He's an angel. Avian's don't have a birthmark that's a pair of wings only angels do."

"He's tiny."

"He's young is what he is." Impulse looked more at the person's wings, "He can't be more than ten or eleven. His wings just don't look very... I don't know, strong? I guess?"

"Either way we need to make sure he actually lives through the night."

"All you did was hit him with a trident, he'll survive the night."

"He fell about a hundred blocks, he hit his head pretty hard."

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