Young and Alone

737 33 4

Warnings: Abandonment, Emotions

Relationship: GriSuma (Father-Son Relationship)

Summary: Grian is a really young Watcher, his parents leave him in Hermitcraft on Xisuma's doorstep.


It's pouring rain, Grian's mother and father have both just sat Grian down on Xisuma's doorstep.

They were all drenched in the rain, Grian looked up at his mother as she let him go.


"Grian, baby, Mummy and Daddy have to go away for a while..." His mother said softly, "We want you to stay here, okay?"

"B-But.. Where are you going? Why can't I come with?"

"Honey, we're going somewhere that isn't safe for baby Watchers. We don't want you to get hurt."

"Then let me come with you! I-"

"Gri, honey, you can't come with us. Okay?"

His father kneeled down to him, "We'll be back soon, Champ."

"I don't understand, did I do something wrong? Did I do something to upset you?"

Grian didn't want them to leave, but they did, no good bye... No hug, no nothing. Just leaving Grian sad and confused in the rain.

After a while, Grian pulled his wings around him after leaning against the wall and pulling his knees up to his chest.

Hours later, a man in a helmet walked up to him, taking off the helmet, "Hey kid, what's going on? What's your name?"

Grian looked up quietly, "Grian..."

"Hi, I'm Xisuma." He looked more at the small winged person then smiled, "You're a Watcher. You're young, where're your parents?"

"They left." Grian said softly, looking back to the ground, "They left me without telling me if I did anything wrong..."

Xisuma hummed then held out his hand, "Why don't you come inside, it's cold out here."

Grian let down his wings then took the taller man's hand and he led him inside.

Two Weeks Later

Xisuma was about to leave to gather some supplies, Grian noticed he was about to leave.

"Suma, you're coming back, right?" Grian asked running up to him and grabbing his wrist.

Xisuma chuckled once, "I always have before." He ruffled Grian's hair, "I'll be back in an hour, probably sooner. Okay?"


Grian let him go, but as Xisuma was about to leave he thought for a second then turned back around, "Why don't you come with me?"

Grian's eyes lit up with a smile, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, c'mon."

As Grian ran up to him, his wings flapped once then he clung onto his arm tightly.

Years Later

Grian sat on the edge of Xisuma's base, staring at the starry night sky. A sad look on his face as his eyes moved from star to star.


He looked back and saw Xisuma walking up behind him, then to inevitably sit next to him on the edge.

"What're you doing out here?"

Grian looked back to the sky, and Xisuma noticed the Watcher's mark on the right side of Grian's neck was glowing.

Grian sighed, "Tonight makes four years since they left..." His voice began breaking as his volume because softer, "Will they ever come back?"

Xisuma was silent for a moment, "I don't know... I can't give you an answer for that."

"I-I miss them, Suma..." A pause, "They just... They left me here with no explanation."

"I know..."

After a moment, Xisuma pulled his arm around Grian's shoulder and Grian moved under Xisuma's chin. Grian subconsciously wrapped his wings around them in a hug.

Xisuma tended to like the softness of Grian's wings, they always made him feel comfortable, as well as Grian. He used it as a comfort thing for when he was upset or scared. He let Grian do as he wanted because of his past.

Grian had a lot of abandonment issues, Xisuma always made sure that someone was with him, making sure that Grian was okay.

While the two were hugging, Xisuma rubbed circles into Grian's lower back, assuring him that he'd never leave him alone.

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