Omega Trafficking

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Requested by mosspawz

Summary: The unclaimed hermit omegas; Grian, Tango, Wels, Scar, and Ren, are all kidnapped and considered MIA after the fight to keep them there. It resulted in the injuries of four hermits; Xisuma, Iskall, Doc, and Mumbo.

Mentioned Warnings: Kidnapping, Rape

Warnings: Blood, Abuse, Grian gives birth, Light swearing

Omega types; Grian: Angel/Watcher, Tango: Demon, Wels: Human, Scar: Cat, Ren: Wolf


Grian hung from his wrists, blood slowly dripping from them preventing him from using his powers. His Breathing was wheezed, limited to how much he could take in. The other Hermit omegas were sitting on the ground.

They could all hear the traffickers talking as they were walking up the hall.

"The angel is the rarest. He'd be the perfect match for the demon."

"Good. Take him and let's get it done. I need that child."

Soon after the door to his cell opened, he had no strength to fight back as he was grabbed and dragged through the hall. The traffickers also taking Tango out.

They threw them both in the same room. Tango immediately went to Grian's side as he was pushing himself back up.

Grian looked up when he heard Tango growling. He whimpered when he saw the large alpha hit Tango across the face which threw him away from Grian.

"Tango!" Grian tried to shout, but his voice was near gone from screaming from the beatings he'd taken. He let out an inaudible yelp as the demon alpha grabbed Grian by his arm pulling him to the wall.

When Tango got up he heard Grian screaming, but he couldn't do anything except try and use his  demon powers. What he didn't know was that he was being observed.

When Grian fell unconscious, he and Tango were immediately dragged out of the room.

They'd not bother stringing Grian back up in his chains considering that he couldn't fight back or even stand for that matter.

The traffickers walked into Grian's cell just as he was about to sit against the wall. They slammed his head against the wall and lifted his chin.

"Son of a bitch. He's claimed. Why is his claim mark so small?"

"Never mind that, he's claimed! Check him for pregnancy."

Grian couldn't fight back as he was quickly once more whisked away from the hermits.

"I'm worried about Grian. He looks like he could die any second." Scar said quietly, "In the main hub there is no respawn."

"Xisuma will be so upset if Grian dies here."

"I'm sure they'll find us before he does."

They heard a blood curdling scream, the hermits all sent worried looks towards each other.

"I really hope that Grian isn't harmed."

"Scar, that was his scream. He's going to be harmed one way or another."


"It's been a month since they've gone missing." Xisuma groaned over the alphas and betas, "I'm starting to get so scared that we won't ever find them."

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