The Home for Troubled Children

601 24 30

Warnings: mild swearing, blood, violence, distrust, abuse

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma (fatherly) / Grian/Sam (Abusive fatherly)

Grian - Deaged, half blind


Grian was the youngest of the home. His biological parents left him there the day he was born.

Grian was born with wings, a feature only he and his grandmother shared, he figured that's why he was left here. Grian always kept to himself, always huddled in the farthest corner away from every other person.

Grian was born a Watcher, he was bullied because of it. He's six years old, can't speak, and has no social skills. The only thing he could do was change his eye colour. From his ocean blue irises to lilac purple irises, he can mostly only change them in stages of fear.

Today, a man dressed in heavy armour walked into the home. The man had small void like particles around his wrists and upper arms. Grian paid no attention to the man, only listened to their conversation.

"Oh so you want to adopt a child?" Someone mocked, "Why don't you try talking to the RUNT WHO DOESN'T SPEAK!?"

He snapped his head towards the child who never spoke a word, that said child moved closer into the corner trying to inch his way as far away as possible.

The boy in question had wings, unkempt and filthy. The child was covered in dirt. It covered his neck, cheeks, face, arms, legs, everywhere.

The admin crouched in front of him, "Hi, I'm Xisuma. What's your name?"

The child hid under his wings and Xisuma noticed a small spot of no feathers.

"Do they hurt you?"

More closing in. Xisuma didn't ask another question, he instead ran the back of his fingers down Grian's wings. He felt him flinch, but after a minute Grian popped his head out, slowly, and looked at his wing. The admin had de-tangled his feathers.

"Hi, I'm not here to harm you." The admin spoke calm and softly, knowing that the young boy had trouble. Xisuma reached his hand out to the boy, immediately Grian's eye colour changed, "Are you a Watcher?"

Xisuma noticed Grian's colours fade back to normal. He smiled at him, "Watchers are nice."

After an hour, Xisuma told the young boy he'd be back and that the next day.

Xisuma came back, the next day and tried communicating with the young winged child. But he never spoke any words to him. He got a squeak or two, but that was about it.

On the fifth day, he had gotten Grian to talk to him. He told Xisuma what some of the kids would do to him, what some of the administrators did to him, he told him that he'd trusted him.

"I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully these people will let me take you home with me."

"Do you really mean it Suma?"

"Of coarse, I don't know why they're taking forever to let me adopt you, but I'm going to have you come home with me so you can live a normal life, with me, and my hermits."

Grian hugged Xisuma, "Please don't go."

"I'm sorry, but I have too." Xisuma whispered, "I'll be back tomorrow." He looked Grian in the eye, "Hybrids help hybrids, you'll be okay."

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