
663 31 24

Warnings: None implied for once

Relationship: Implied GriSuma

Summary: Xisuma sends Grian to pick Ren up from his Wisdom Tooth Removal.



Grian, I need you to pick Ren up from his appointment.
Recieved 4:22pm

Are you serious?
Sent 4:22

Sent 4:23

Because I said so, that's why. Besides, Doc is off world and can't do it anyways. Also you're in the hub.
Recieved 4:25

I hate you.
Sent 4:25

I don't want to hear it. Just drive to this location and pick him up.
Recieved 4:26

Sent 4:26

Send me the location and I'll get down there now.
Sent 4:27

I'm glad you see it my way.
Recieved 4:27

1245 S. 85th Johnsonville, MH. Suite 234
Recieved 4:28

I don't have a choice but too.
Sent 4:28

Sent 4:29

Recieved 4:30


Grian groaned as he put his phone in his pocket, mentally cursing Xisuma for sending him out. Especially in the rain. It was pouring in the main hub, he swore he'd slap Xisuma when he got back.

Grian got in his car and drove down.

~Two hours later~

Grian walked into the office and flicked some of the rain off his wrists.

"Good afternoon sir. How can I help you?" The receptionist greeted kindly, Grian smiled at her then walked over.

"Yes, hi. I'm Grian. I'm here for Ren, Xisumavoid from the Hermitcraft server sent me to pick him up?"

"Go wait in your vehicle, we'll walk him out to you."

"Oh dear.. okay. Red Corvette."

He walked out and moments later Ren was brought out and he helped attach his seat belt, he received instructions from the specialist and went off.

He realized that Ren was asleep until he was at the on ramp floor the highway.

"Driving onto the highway always freaking scares me..." Grian mumbled while he was getting into the onramp, "Why did the guys send me to pick you up?"

"BeCaUsE yOu'Re YoU."

"Okay, shut up and sleep you idiot. You're high on anesthesia and probably lidocaine."

"I don't wanna." Ren pouted, "I want music."

"Okay, fine." He turned on the radio, "Now shush."

"I want mashed potatoes."

"And I want someone to be quiet while I drive. Besides, you can't have mashed potatoes."


"Shut up and sleep."

A small notification popped up on his cars bluetooth from Xisuma. Instead of looking at the text he called him instead.

"Yeah kid?"

"Got Ren. On our way to the HC car portal."

"Good! I take it went well?"

"As far as I'm concerned."


"Was that Ren?"

"Yes. He won't sleep."


"REN- quiet down. Inside voices."

"I don't wanna."

"Sounds like a handful."

"You should have seen yourself." Grian groaned, "You were three hours away and you were even worse than Ren! You wouldn't shut up about mac and cheese!"

"Potatoes...." Ren whispered..

"Have fun!"

"I'm going to kill you."

He hung it up listening to Ren babble on about the Irish fruit and just randomly shout at him.  At one point, he grew tired and used him powers to create an ice ball, he handed it to Ren.

"Here, suck on this and shut up."


That should keep him quiet for a while.

It kept him quiet enough to get to the HC portal. He went ro where the hermits kept their Main Hub vehicles and saw Xisuma.

"Send me to get another drugged out hermit and I'm banning you from leaving the house. Drop him in Doc's base. Keep him away from me until tomorrow."

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