Failed Assassinations (2)

400 21 11

See previous for warnings. Added; dehydration, kidnapping


When someone noticed that Xisuma completely left the hospital, that person walked into Grian's room.

"Wakey wakey..." He said in a devilish tone, "We need to move you."

Grian's eyes poked open, he immediately flinched and pressed the call button for a nurse. They didn't come until it was too late.

"You made a good life out of yourself, love." Sam growled in Grian's ear while he tied him to a pole, "Now, about that child."

"Touch me... Or my child... And I will kill you." Grian said between breaths, "That's only if Xisuma doesn't get to you first."

Without his breathing equipment, it was difficult for him to catch his breath. Sam stared in Grian's eyes and grabbed his hair, causing him to gasp, "You think I'm joking with you. I'll be back."

Grian knew exactly what he was going to come back with, any form of tool to either kill him or something to kill his child.

When Sam came back, Grian immediately started talking again, trying to talk his previous abuser down.

"Sam, you're making a big mistake." Grian gasped, his breathing growing more heavy and wheezier by the second, "Because of your stray bullet, and kidnapping me from the hospital, I need oxygen to breathe. You'll kill me if you don't get me back to the hospital."

"That's the point!" Sam shouted, pulling Grian's gun to Grian's head, "I want you carrying my children and my children only! So until you apologize, I'm going to forcibly rip that child out of your stomach."

"I'll bleed out."

"I don't care anymore."

Sam turned around, Grian spoke once more, "You're missing something though, I'm smarter than an angel. I'm a Watcher."

Grian broke his restraints, he heard one shot of a gun but no pain. He managed to grab the weapon and disarm Sam. Both on the ground, Grian pointed his weapon at Sam, "Sam, stay there. Do not move."

The moment Sam lunged at him, Grian shot him. He leaned back against the wall, he heard a shout of his name.

Xisuma ran up to Grian, put his hand on his face. Grian grabbed his wrist, "X... X, I can't breathe."


Xisuma laid him slowly on the ground, hands intertwined, Paramedics ran over and put a mask on Grian, "Deep breaths Grian. Deep breaths."

Once his breathing was normal, Grian was laid in a stretcher. Xisuma noticed the wet spot on the ground where he had him laid and gasped, "Get him to the hospital now. He's going into labour."

"Call the hospital, tell them we'll need an emergency C-Section, alert NICU as well. Sergeant Void, with us."

Xisuma held onto Grian's hand throughout the entire ride over.

It was late night when Grian woke up. He looked towards the digital clock, 2:15 AM.

Grian looked towards his left, Xisuma was at the window, holding a softly cooing baby.

"Shh... Little one." Grian heard Xisuma say, "He'll be awake soon, I promise."

Grian smiled, "Suma, I'm up."

Grian sat himself up as Xisuma walked towards him, "How're you feeling? You also shouldn't be sitting up."

"I'll be fine."

"You know I don't believe that. Here, hold her." Xisuma handed the child to Grian, then adjusted Grian's pillows, "How's that feel?"

"Better, thank you."

"Yeah, you just need to relax, I'll take care of her while you're not home."

"What about Sam?"

"DOA when we got there."

"Is it bad to say, I'm glad he's dead?"

"No. But I won't tell them you shot him."

"Don't lie to 1PP. They'll force you to leave. And I like having you as my sergeant."

"After this, you probably won't be Captain anymore. You'll be too busy taking care of Xina."

"Way to make me sound like a stay at home mum. Sheesh."

"You need to be relaxed, okay? That's why I want you home."

"Whatever makes you happy."

Xisuma sat next to Grian, "What'll make me happy right now, is you going back to sleep. Okay? After everything you've been through, you need to sleep, and relax your breathing. Your O2 is rather low."

Grian chuckled as Xisuma took Xina from him, "Whatever you say."

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