Birds of a Feather (2)

573 38 17

Warnings: None, but fluff

Relationship: None intended

Look to previous for summary.


With Grian asleep in Xisuma's guest room, he made sure that he was in the same room as him, watching him sleep to make sure he was going to be okay, soon falling asleep himself in the chair he was sitting in.

The following morning when Xisuma woke up, Scar was already in the room cleaning and putting a gauze pad on Grian's ear.


"Hmm?" Scar hummed then looked over, "Well good morning."

"Hey..." Xisuma yawned a moment, "How's he doing?"

"He hasn't woken up since I came." Scar said with a chuckle, "He's doing quite well. Where's that tag Doc was talking about?"

"It's in my jacket pocket."

Scar got up and searched Xisuma's jacket pockets, "A black tag? Is this the one that was ripped out of his ear or the one that was taken out from his wing?"


"Ah, okay. Well his ear will heal just fine. I'm going to look for something in my base to help these conditions."

"Okay, I'll see you in an hour."


Grian woke up shortly after, Xisuma smiled at him.

"Hey, Grian." He said calmly, rubbing his arm, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay." The small child replied tiredly, yawning and sitting up, rubbing his eye in the process, "Where am I?"

"You're new home, this is Hermitcraft. Everyone's really nice here." Xisuma smiled at him once more, "You hungry?"

"Will I get hurt if I say yes?"

"What? No, no one will hurt you if you say you're hungry."

Grian looked at him with almost large, but still pleading eyes.

Xisuma smiled, "Come with me, I'll cook you some breakfast."

Grian got out of the bed and followed Xisuma, observing his surroundings, looking around the place Xisuma had. His curiosity got the best of him when he randomly disappeared into the next room while X was still cooking.

When Xisuma turned around to the missing child, he sat a plate on the corner, and shouted, "Grian, there's toast on the island!"

Grian came out of the room a moment later and climbed up into the seat then started eating.

When Xisuma finished cooking for Grian, he sat in front of him with a small meal himself, "Excuse my intrusion, Grian, but how old are you?"

"Five, my parents left me there. Gave me pills that weren't good for me, Diazepam, Iorazepam, Stimulant drugs... Those things."

Xisuma hummed, then heard a shout of his name, "In the kitchen, Scar!"

"Hey, he's awake!" Scar said with a smile, "Hi, my name's Scar. I've heard you've got a few mental disorders tiny thing."

"Yeah, I suppose so."

"So I brought a few things, prescription medications labeled for you, to help you." Scar started explaining, "So I'm giving you an antidepressant, something for that anxiety thing, and your two personality things. They're gonna help you just fine, and Xisuma will make sure you take them."

Grian looked to Xisuma, almost a panic, all he did was smile at him, "Yeah, it's not a problem, Scar. I got him."

"Good, he's young so you know how they are."

"Hey!" Grian nearly shouted, his voice high pitched, "I'm not going to be defiant."

"Yeah, we'll see about that." Xisuma chuckled, "Let's get you ready to meet the hermits. They're your new familiy."

~A Few Years Later~

<Xisuma> Grian, have you taken your meds?

<Grian> Yes, Suma.

<Xisuma> Are you lying to me?

<Grian> ... No.

<Xisuma> Grian.

<Grian> Yeah, I'm lying.

<Xisuma> Take them now, or I'll hunt you down and shove them down your throat.

<GTWScar> Xisuma, that's not nice.

<Grian> I've lived with him since I was five, he's not nice. XD

<Xisuma> Take that back, you little gremlin.

<Grian> Tell them how many times you shoved these pills down my throat.


<Grian> It was four times.

<Xisuma> .... Take your meds.

<Grian> Fight me.

<Xisuma> Grian.

<Grian> I'm going, I'm going. 

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