Move From Area-77

738 31 9

Warnings: Mentions of torture, 

Relationship: Scar/Grian



Grian hung from the ceiling by his wrists with a cough. Every day for a week, Doc would come in and beat him for answers.

His entire body hurt.

He knew that Scar had no idea what was happening.

When the door opened that night, Grian couldn't lift his head.

"Please... No more..." Grian pleaded, "I'll give you what you want, please, just stop with the torture."

"Grian?" A different voice asked when they walked in, "Oh my goodness, Grian, what happened to you?"

Grian flinched at the sudden touch against his wrists.

"It's okay, but I need you to tell me what happened to you. Why are you in this chamber shirt and shoeless?"


"Yeah.." He replied, getting Grian to his knees, and putting a healing potion to his lips, "What happened to you?"

After he finished drinking, feeling his wounds heal, he spoke, "D-Doc kidnapped me from the Hippie camp when I was alone. I've been here for a week."

"How come I've not noticed?"

"I don't know, but I don't want to be here."

"Then go, you're free." Scar said helping him to his feet, "Are you able to walk on your own?"

"I don't know."

When Grian fell against Scar's chest, he spoke, "I'll walk you out, okay?"

Grian only nodded and let his entire body lean against Scar. Scar's arm under Grian, and they slowly walked out.

After a while, Scar carried Grian to the Hippie camp and placed him inside his RV. When he walked out, Impulse and Ren were standing.

"What're you doing here you 77 menace?" Ren asked, "Spying on us? Hm?!"

"What? No, I was just putting Grian in his bed." Scar explained, "Doc apparently kidnapped him and tortured him for a week."

"OH." Ren said, "Well, you've done your business, now shoo."

"Whatever hippie, I'm going. Let me know when he wakes up. I need to have a serious conversation with Doc for kidnapping my gremlin."

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