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<Grian> I hate too alarm you guys, but I'm being followed

<Iskall85> Mumbo being behind you doesn't count as being followed

<Mumbo> HEY

<Grian> No I mean actually being followed

<Xisuma> By what?

<Grian> I don't know but it's creeping me out

<Xisuma> Where are you

<Grian> it's just staring

<Iskall85> Grian?

<Grian> with it's beady red eyes...

<Mumbo> Grian, where are you?

<Grian> It just keeps coming closer...


<Mumbo> Gri?!

<GTWScar> I found him! He's in his barge

Scar quickly walked up to Grian who was frozen in fear

"Grian." Scar said shaking him slightly, "GRIAN."

Grian didn't respond, his eyes locked on something that wasn't visible.

"Grian! Snap out of it!" Scar shouted, "You're scaring me. You're scaring Iskall, Mumbo and Xisuma as well."

Grian took a step back, then another.

"Stay away.." He mumbled, Scar looked at him questionably then quickly realized what was happening.

"Grian, it's me. Scar." Scar replied softly, "You're safe. He can't hurt you."

Then Xisuma, Mumbo and Iskall flew in. Scar motioned them back. Scar stopped trying to walk towards Grian when he started trembling, "You're safe. You're okay."

"It'll kill me.."

"There's nothing there." Scar whispered, starting to make his way closer to Grian, "There's nothing there, you're safe. You're okay. You're in Hermitcraft."

Once he got close enough to the trembling hermit, Scar pulled his arms around him and held him tightly, shushing him when he made a whimper.


"Yeah, you're okay." Scar replied, motioning the three hermits that it was safe to walk over.


"Don't talk.." Scar whispered, "Let's get you some food, water and TLC." 

Grian nodded and Scar, Mumbo, Iskall and X all helped Grian up and walked him to the town hall.

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