Trypanophobia (But Not Really)

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Warnings: Panic, hiding

Relationship: Grian/Everyone

Summary: Grian's afraid of needles.

Things: Grian; deaged (9), angel. The Hermits are hybrids.


Grian was rescued by Xisuma two years ago in an angel experimental ring. That particular ring focused on experimenting on angel hybrids with blood and different mixtures. Grian unfortunately, had been the only one left there. Everyone else had escaped and left him behind because his chains were too heavy. Even his own parents left him alone in there, they didn't even bother trying to get him free. To this day it still haunts him, giving him nightmares way too frequently. 

Grian liked to sleep in the same room as Ren, he liked the feel of his fur against his skin. It constantly reminded him that someone was with him, someone that he trusted, someone that he loved and held closely to his heart. Xisuma and Doc were like fathers to him, Stress almost like a mother. But each hermit in his life helped take care of him. Though he had this one thing that's never changed.

He was petrified of needles.

Grian learned to build at a young age, so he had his own base, though he was never alone. Grian's the baby of the hermit family, he wouldn't have it every other way. The hermits were only able to teach him how to talk when he was eight.


Xisuma was expecting a shipment, but he couldn't remember what for, so he stayed by the portal and waited for the delivery guy.

He came moments later carrying a white box.

"What's in this box?" Xisuma asked the delivery man, when he handed the small, white box to him.

"Your yearly doses of Tetanus shots. Give them to your medic."

The delivery guy left, and Xisuma flew to Scars base.


When Scar saw Xisuma fly through, he immediately questioned him, "What is this?"

"Gee, no hi, no how are you, no good to see you? Cool, thanks." Xisuma teased, he handed the box to Scar and looked around a moment, "Grian's not around is he?"

"He's in the other room with Ren. But he's asleep. So what's in the box?"

"Tetanus shots."

Scar winced at the words, Xisuma mouthed 'I know' at him.

"He's not going to want to take it."

"I know, but he has to. It's just one shot."

When Scar opened the box, he spoke in a quieter tone when he saw the small container with Grian's name on it, "Actually his is three. Everyone who isn't a hybrid takes one."

"He isn't going to like thi-" He froze and looked to the door, "Grian, it's not what you think."

Grian, who had just woken up was currently standing in the door frame, staring at the multiple packs of shots and needles.

"Oh you know what Grian's going to be doing?" Xisuma said with a slight groan, "He's going to be hiding in one of his bases now that he knows these are here."

"Poor kid doesn't like needles. Do you blame him?"

"No, but it's a pain to find him."

Grian ran off as Xisuma tried grabbing him, but failing tremendously.


"I blame you, Suma. Find him."

"And say what?! Grian's petrified of needles! He doesn't want to be near any of them."

"Again, I don't blame him. I'll do the hermits, we'll save Grian for last."

"Fine, I'll text you when I've found him."

Xisuma was lucky to have found him at the first spot he looked, "Grian, there you are."

"No needles!" He cried out, looking away from the older hermit. Xisuma could tell that Grian was crying, he wanted to help him so bad but he didn't know how just yet.

"I don't have them with me. Okay?" He moved next to the tiny hermit, wrapping his arm around his shoulder, "Gri, I know you don't like needles, but it needs to be done."

"I don't wanna!"

"I know you don't wanna. It's just a vaccine. Tetanus shots are nothing to be afraid of."

Grian looked away from Xisuma, not wanting to budge from the spot he was in.


"No. I said no needles."

"It's not that bad."


"I'll give you cookies afterwards."

That got Grian's attention, he looked at him, frightened purple eyes, "Promise."

Xisuma chuckled, "Yes. Now c'mon. Come be a brave kid and get these shots. I'll be with you the entire time."

"Okay." Grian whispered, walking with Xisuma.

Grian was scared when he saw Scar with the many boxes of needles, throwing them all out in a sanitary bin, he smiled at Grian when he saw him.

"Hey buddy! Come hop up onto the table here and I'll get these done as fast as I can, okay?"

Grian followed what was asked of him, Scar and Xisuma both distracted him enough to where Grian didn't notice the needles going into his arm. Though he was happy that it was over and done with immediately after. He ran off without another word, Xisuma sighing as he slammed the door.

"Well, that's done with. Let him hide for a bit."

"I promised the kid a cookie."


"You would have done the same so can it."

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