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Warnings: Mild Swearing, Basically Abuse and Kidnapping Relationship, Mild Blood

Relationship: Sam/Grian, Grian/Xisuma

Summary: Obsessive boyfriend, Grian tries to break up with Sam and it doesn't go well.


Being in a relationship with an admin had it's ups and downs.

Though this admin was oddly... Obsessive.

So obsessive, it was getting to be too much for him.

Grian had just gotten an invitation to Hermitcraft Season Six.

"Sweet!" Grian smiled, "Hermitcraft Six here I come! In... Two months. Oof, okay."

He was talking to one of his friends on the server when Sam walked up behind him and grabbed his ear.

"Ow! OW!" Grian shouted, then pulled him off, "Dude, what the hell?"

He rubbed the ear that Sam had grabbed.

"You had me worried, where have you been!?"

"Sam, I have a life outside of what we do behind our doors." Grian explained, "I'm not always gonna be inside the house."

"But Gree-on, you could get hurt out here all alone!"

"Sam! I have friends. I know how to fight, I can protect myself."

"But you were kidnapped by the Watchers!"

"I wasn't kidnapped." Grian said, "I have family there. I went to visit them."

"They could've hurt you!"

Grian slapped his hands away, "You need to stop being so obsessive, Sam! I'm not a kid. Okay?"

A week before Hermitcraft was supposed to start up, Sam had basically grounded Grian in their house.

Pearl: Grian, come out.

Grian: Can't. Sam's holding me prisoner.



Pearl: Obsessive.

Grian: ^^^^

Sam: It's not obsessive.


Grian: He literally has me tied up in our bedroom.

Grian: Can you come bail me out? I really need to meet the hermits.

Pearl: Which one?

Grian: The one with the basement. Use the window.

Pearl: Be there in three.

Grian: Thank you.

Then he heard stomping coming down the stairs.

"Why do you want to leave so bad!? What have I ever done to you?!"

"YOU'RE OBSESSIVE! I need space!"

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