
555 28 9

Warnings: Near Death

Relationship: Grian/Everyone


Grian has been distracted for weeks. He'd restocked the Barge wrong multiple times, only to have it fixed by someone else.

Sometimes it was Cub, other times it would be Xisuma. Every time he'd walk down the roads he would be getting weird looks. He couldn't hear when someone was talking to him. He couldn't hear himself think.

The land for him was blurry, lights were blinding. He felt extremely disorientated, but he didn't do anything about it. His wings were mangled so he couldn't fly.

When he walked into the district's portal, his sight was completely blinded. He couldn't stop his legs from moving while he rubbed his eyes.

He heard a small crumble between the ringing of his ears and suddenly he was falling. 

Grian felt a pain in his arms then he was sat against a wall.


~Perspective change: Xisuma~

Xisuma sighed as he pulled up Grian's player logs. Nothing stood out to him until he started scrolling through his genetics.

He's Hypoglycemic...

"Okay, come with me." Xisuma said with a sigh, pulling Grian up to his feet, "Slowly walk with me, okay?"

It took Xisuma a while to get Grian to his base. He forced Grian to lay down as he went to go grab a cold fruit juice out of the ice.

As he slowly helped Grian drink the liquid, he saw Grian growing tired with half the bottle down. Xisuma laid him back down and let him sleep.

After a moment, he called Scar.

"Yeah, X?"

"Hey, could you come to my base? I got Grian here unconscious from an hypoglycemia attack."

"Is he okay?"

"Should be? I mean, I gave him a bit of fruit juice because I know that helps, but I would feel much more okay if you came down and made sure everything is okay."

"Yeah, of coarse! I'm on my way over now."

After a while, Scar had just finished his check up over Grian.

"So? How is he?" Xisuma asked, moving behind Grian enough to let his head rest against his thigh, "Is he going to be okay?"

"Yeah, he'll be fine." Scar replied, smiling, "Just watch over him for the night. And make sure when he wakes, he drinks the rest of that drink you gave him."

"Thanks Scar. I appreciate it."

"Hey, it's my job." He put a medical bracelet on Grian's right wrist, "There, now anyone who finds him will know that he has hypoglycemia. Poor kid, did he really not tell you?"

"No, I had to look deeper into his logs to find that out."

They watched over Grian for the next couple hours before they decided to let Grian go. Scar asked Xisuma to subtly stalk him for the rest of the day just to be on the safe side.

I don't know how to end these things anymore. XD

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