Pesky Bird

844 27 24

Warnings: Temporary death of a pet, trauma, crying, panic attack, blood (mentioned)

Relationship: Grian/Ren

Summary: Sam kills Grian's bird in front of him.


Grian held his bird close to him as he spoke calmly after a fun day with Ren, "Oh Professor Beak, I wanna just tell him how I feel. But I don't know how."

The bird squawked at him, "Grian, Ren, love!"

Grian chuckled at the bird who was now flapping its wings happily, "Yeah... That's right, Grian loves Ren."

He couldn't help but smile at the little bird as he pet its head with his forefinger.

"But he doesn't know if Ren loves him back."

The bird chirped happily as it rubbed its head against Grian's chin.


Grian chuckled, "Oh shush. You're making me blush."

He heard his door open, and he let his bird fly to his shoulder.

"Hello?" He called out, "Is... Is someone here?"

He heard his bird chirp again, "Gree-on."

His head jerked towards the bird, "Please tell me you're just mimicking an enemy..."

The bird repeated the word and Grian pulled up his chat logs.

<Grian> Suns and Stars

Every hermit had a distress code phrase if they felt they were in danger. It alerts every hermit to their location to make sure there's back up on the way.

Grian heard a crash and he jumped so hard, he hit the wall. he then ran down his stairs and sat his bird where he left him usually and went to grab his sword.

When he turned around an arrow lodged in his shoulder, pinning him to the wall.

"Hello, Gree-on."

"S-Sam... What do you want?"

Sam walked close to Grian until he was a few inches from his face, "You. But I think you already know that."

"Sam, I don't love you. I want you to leave me alone. Please!"

He grabbed the arrow and made Grian scream in pain, "No, if you're not in love with me, then who are you in love with."

It didn't even sound like a question, it sounded like a demand.

Grian knew that Sam wanted him all to himself, he knew that he'd put him through torture, manipulation, and even more abuse if he went back with them.

But Grian said nothing.

"Not going to talk?"

"You're going to hurt him if I say."


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