Family (Songfic)

872 22 28

Warnings: (Swearing in the song) None

Relationship: Grian x Cubby

Summary: A demon comes to kidnap Angel Omega Grian, said demon says he'll leave them alone if they can beat him in a singing competition. Grian wrecks his face.

I apologize ahead of time for the cringe. It's bad but entertaining, but also not overwhelming.


Grian squirmed in the demons' arms as the hermits surrounded them.

"LET ME GO YOU SPAWN OF SATAN!" Grian shouted, "I swear I will kill you if you don't release m-"

The demon put his hand across Grians' mouth to prevent him from talking, "You talk to much. Shush."

"Let him go, or perish." Cub threatened, "I will not ask twice."

"Well I'll gladly let the little angel go. But he can give the demon king what he wan-OW!" The demon shouted letting Grian go, the small hermit quickly scurrying over to the arms of his alpha, "Little rat bit me!"

"Uh, I'm an angel not a rat." Grian corrected, "Get it right. Also your hand tastes disgusting. Bleh."

"Gri, don't test him. He's a demon." Cub said putting his arms around him protectively, Grian made a small noise and moved his head under Cubs' chin.

"ANYWAYS." The demon shouted, "As I was saying before the rat bit me, I'll leave you guys be if one of your people can beat me in a sing off."

Xisuma and the rest of the hermits turned to each other quickly moving into a circle.

"Are we really going to do this?" Doc groaned, "Let's just kill it and get this over with."

"Demons can't be killed with a simple mortal sword." Grian said, "Take it from me. I was once a warrior with the angels before I was sent down here. I say we challenge him."

"We don't have anyone who really knows how to sing." Xisuma said, "That-"

"Ren and I can sing. But I used to perform in front of 200 people crowds in my old worlds and realms."

"Way to flex on us Grian." Mumbo chuckled.

"Eh, I try." Grian replied with a shoulder shrug, "Are we doing this or what?"

A moment of silence, "What's your track G?"

"Family by Mother Mother. Get me a mic. I know how to attach them."

The hermits all turned to the demon and Xisuma stepped forward.

"You're on."

"Who's your competitor?"

Grian looked at the demon and waved his fingers at him.

~One Hour Later~

Grian was finishing setting up his mic and putting in the ear plug in his left ear when the demon walked up to him.

"You really think you can sing?"

"There's a difference between thinking and knowing." Grian replied instantly, "But you wouldn't know anything about that because you let Satan do your thinking for you."

"Big talk for a little angel."

"Oh this little angel can do so much worse than just back talk you."

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