Life Goes On

786 26 12

Warnings: blood, gore, angst

Relationship: None

Summary: Without noticing, the Watchers kidnap Grian and put a curse on him. The Watchers replace Grian with Sam.

Request: dagalhoocantspel , I hope this appeals to your request.


Early season six, Grian was living a happy life, at least until he saw a purple glow in the beginnings of his base.

He got up from the bed and saw a broken portal forming and he knew he was in trouble.

Two six foot tall beings stepped through the portal. Grian took a few frightened steps away from them but was stopped immediately by chains binding him to the ground.

"Hello, Xelqua."

"The hermits have done nothing to you. Leave them be."

"We aren't here for the hermits, we're here for you."


"With us, tiny Watcher."

"Oh no..."

They took him and left another in his place for the time being. No hermit knew that Grian was gone, so the season carried on as normal.

As Grian was taken he was put in chains, being tortured with every other second. He's felt all forms of pain, all forms of torture, but he never submitted to the Watchers.

A Watcher walked into his cell, Grian lifted his head, his right eye closed from the last attack. Some Watcher with strong claws hit him across it when he tried escaping. He almost succeeded too.

"Let's go, Xelqua." They said, Grian glared at them as they unchained his wrists and dragged him out of his cell.

"You may have put Sam in my place, but that doesn't mean you can break me."

"We already have. And soon, you'll be fallen under our command."

"I will never follow you."

"You already have." They looked at the other Watchers in the next room, "Curse him."

Hours later, the curse was in full force. Grian's eyes were the darkest shade of black under his mask. His wings went from purple feathers to black feathers, every purple eye turned black, he could feel his blood going black as his mind went static. His body was healed and his scars showed.

"Send him to those retched hermits." The lead Watcher said, then turned to Grian, "Kill them."

When Grian was portalled back to season six, he hid his face so no one would see him. Despite everything being completely different. He was completely unrecognizable.

He rolled his nonexistent eyes at all the buildings in the area. As he walked through the roads, he saw someone with a helmet covering his face and he turned back to the corner.

He readied a ball of magic, and shot it at the person.


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