Back To The Old Times

526 24 18

Warnings: Mental and Physical Torture, Blood, Injury, Kidnapping

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma (Brotherly), Grian/Zedaph


Zedaph was in his living room watching TV and waiting for Grian to get home. Grian had not been home for a day or so, but Grian had let him know ahead of time that he wouldn't be home the night before because of an overnight shift. In a moment's time, the show he was watching was interrupted by the news.

"We interrupt your currently scheduled program to send out an emergency alert." Two pictures appeared on the screen, "Fire Captain of firehouse 145 and omega, Grian Void, and Alpha Police Lieutenant Xisuma Void, have both been kidnapped and have been missing for 36 hours. We ask that all citizens be on the lookout for a black Chevolet as they were last seen entering it down Main Street heading south. Authorities are currently searching the area and the last place they were seen."

Zedaph turned off the TV before he started crying. He put his hand over his mouth to keep himself quiet, he didn't make a noise until he heard knocks on the door. He quickly ran over and answered the door, "Please tell me you have good news."

"I'm sorry Zed, but we don't." The officer said, "May we come in? We need to ask you some questions."

"Yeah, yeah, of coarse."

When they were all settled, the cops and detectives started asking questions, "Do you know if Xisuma has any enemies?"

"No. I have no idea." Zed said taking a sip of his tea, "I don't know Xisuma that well."

"Okay, what about Grian?"

"I-I don't know... I do know he has a history with a guy named Sam Gladiator." Zed remembered what Grian had told him one day, "Uh, he said that he was an ex cop..."

"Yeah, we have record of that. Has Grian received any threatening notes or mail?"

"Yeah, actually, lately he's been getting multiple threatening notes. He didn't bring them up to me until the other day before he called me and said he wouldn't be home because of an overnight shift." He got up and handed them a couple of the notes, "I remember reading one of them saying a very detailed description of what he'd do to him and he even signed it. I don't know why Grian never told me."

"Grian's a very popular firefighter, he's a well known face to everyone. His house literally has the highest success rate than any other house. Do you mind if we take and analyze these?"

"Go ahead..." Zed near mumbled, "Just please, bring Grian back to me safe."

"We're going to do everything we can. We will keep you updated."

"Thank you."


Xisuma was the first awake of the two, he nudged Grian in the head trying to get him awake.

"Xisuma?" Grian groaned, "Okay... Why are we upside down and tied back to back?"

"Damned if I know Grian. We need to find a way out of here."

With the two still in their uniforms, Grian reached up into his pocket and grabbed something sharp.

"Grian what're you doing?"

"I have a box cutter. Brace yourself, this'll hurt."

He cut the top rope and the two fell on their heads. Once they got themselves up, they walked to a table of needles and drugs. Grian distantly noted a distant ringing noise coming from somewhere but it was tolerable for him.

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