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Warnings: Grian almost getting digested by a plant, eggs

Relationship: Gri/Doc/Scar

Summary: Grian accidentally stumbles upon Scar's living plant monster. It almost eats him but Scar and Doc come last second.


Grian's POV


You see, I was just casually flying through the jungle when some random tentacle thing grabbed my ankle and I was now dangling in front of a living plant.

Things just got worse when the plant shoved my inside its mouth. I knew that Scar was experimenting with plants, but he didn't warn me that one of them was ALIVE.

I tried so hard to get out, my fireworks wouldn't light, my wings wouldn't spread, I couldn't climb out because the inside of the plants mouth was so slick and slippery.

There were tentacles coming up from the bottom of the plant and they first wrapped around my ankles, then around my body, then the tips forced their way down my throat.

I tried to let out a scream, but my voice was cut off with my air supply as the tentacles started pulsing. I let out an inaudible whimper as the tentacles kept moving downwards, deeper. 

Someone help!

Scar's POV

"It says Grian's around here somewhere." Doc said breaking the silence of the crunching leaves beneath our feet, "But I don't see him."

"Neither do I... I have a plant over here somewhere. But I don't think it's alive."

"Think and know are two different things."

We heard a scream rack through the jungle, it was so close.

"That's Grian's scream!" I said, running ahead, Doc following close.

We got closer and we saw Grain being swallowed by my plant experiment.


Doc quickly shot at the base of the plant, it spit Grian out and he hit the tree. I quickly ran over to him and took a close look.

"He's covered in Plant saliva, gross." I heard Doc mumble, "Why does his stomach look... Inflated?"

I put my hand against Grian's stomach and winced, "We need to get him back to Area77, the plant put eggs in his stomach."

"It tried... Breeding him? That's weird."

"Yeah, well plant experiments are weird. Grab him and let's fly out."

Grian remained unconscious for the fly over. It was starting to worry me.

We got finished pumping his stomach in half an hour.

"Seven eggs..." I mumbled, "Let's get him cleaned up now that the eggs are out."

Grian's POV

I started to feel like I was floating, being carried. But I didn't pay attention to it until I was being laid in water. I gasped at how cold it was scaring the people who were with me.

"Grian, you scared us." A voice sounding more rough than anything, Doc.

"Hey, love. You okay?" Another, soft American voice asked, Scar.


"Yeah... I'm sorry about that..." Scar said, running water over my head, "It needs to be cold so I can get the plant saliva off you. Just relax, we'll get you cleaned up. You can sleep."

"N-Next time... Tell me where your plant experiments are."

"There won't be a next time. Sleep, we'll clean you up."

I felt my eyes slip close and my body go even more limp than it already was and I fell asleep.

The next time I woke up, I was laying on my side in a dimly lit room. I had a headache, so the dimmed lights were nice. My stomach hurt, I was cold, but at least I wasn't wet.

Someone walked in shortly after I woke, humming and carrying something. They must not have seen me awake because when they set down the tray, they shook my shoulder.

I whined and tried to squirm away from from the hand. It was cold.

"You're cold..." I mumbled.

"Oh you were already awake." The soft voice said with a chuckle, "Sit up, I brought you food."

"What time is it?" I asked sitting up against the wall, Scar putting the tray across my lap.

"Nearly 5PM two days after we found you."

"Are you kidding?"

"No, I guess you really needed some sleep after that plant nearly ate and breeded you."

"It what?" I asked starting to eat.

"It tried breeding you, seven eggs were in your stomach and you had a lot of saliva on and in you. So..."


"Yeah.. I'm sorry about that. Doc's supposed to be back soon. He's cleaning your tools and replacing your rockets and elytra."

I looked at him with puppy eyes, "Cuddle me."


"Cuddle me, your plant nearly ate me, I deserve some cuddles from my number one Scar."

"I'm your only Scar." He chuckled getting in next to me, he pulled his arm around my shoulders and I leaned into him immediately and got comfortable, "Comfortable?"

I cuddled even further into him, "Yeah.. You're soft."

"Good. You can sleep more when you've finished eating. Okay?"

"Okee. Thank you Scar."

I heard Scar chuckle, "You're so cute. You're welcome, finish eating Gri."

When I finished eating, I laid against Scar's leg and fell back to sleep.

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