Storms and Rescues

610 26 29

Warnings: Blood, Injury, Car Accidents, Mild Swearing

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma

Summary: Grian has to pick Xisuma up in a bad snow storm. They get into an accident leaving the two unconscious. They get helped by someone from Grian's past.


Grian is currently in Hermitcraft talking to Iskall and Doc about upgrading devices when Xisuma's message tone sounded.

"One sec guys."


I need you to pick me up.
Received 3:22PM

I ran into a snow bank in the Main Hub. Car's totaled, can't do anything about it.
Received 3:22PM

Sent 3:23PM

I'm on my way.
Sent 3:23PM


"I gotta go guys. We'll continue this later." Grian said, slightly annoyed.

"What happened?"

"Xisuma's dumb self got caught in a snow bank in the main hub. I need to pick him up." With that Grian waved bye to the two hermits and portaled over to the main hub where he kept his car and drove through the storm.

He only found Xisuma about an hour later, he rolled down the window and glared at Xisuma, "Get your ass inside, now."

He heard Xisuma chuckle, he continued glaring at him as he rolled up the window.

"You're lucky I'm one of the only people who can drive in this kind of weather."

"I'm lucky I have a Watcher for a boyfriend."

"Don't push your luck."

"I can't believe you thought it was a good idea to drive out in this!" Grian scolded trying to see through his windshield, the storm growing stronger, "You could have gotten yourself hurt! Or worse, killed! We need you in the server, X. I don't want to take over because your dumbass drove into a snow bank."

"Says the guy who came and picked me up."

"It was either I pick you up or I let you freeze to death."

The roads were covered in three different coats of ice and snow, it made it difficult to drive through, and with it still being a blizzard outside, it made it even worse.

Xisuma saw a figure walking out in the middle of the road, "GRIAN PEDESTRIAN!"

Grian shrieked and slammed on the brakes when Xisuma yelled, he dodged the pedestrian after skidding by, but his car ended up falling down the hill, flipping over and shattering every piece of glass inside, leaving the two hermits unconscious and severely injured.

The car upside down, Grian had ended up laying against the window, Xisuma was just barely upside down, being held up by the seat belt. Soon enough, someone used a crowbar to force open Grian's side door and carefully dragged him, then Xisuma, out of the vehicle.

The person patched over the two hermit's wounds when she put them in her own place. She had laid Grian on his side while she was putting a bandage on the side of his neck.

Grian woke, he flexed his wrist and looked at the jacket that the person had on. He noticed the Watcher mark on the back gasped and fell off the other side of the bed.


"Grian!" He heard a raspy British voice shout, "Gri?"

"I'm okay." Grian said with a wince. The person who was helping him ran to the opposite side of the bed and tried helping him up, "Stay away from me you witch."

"At least let me put you in the bed-"

"No, I'm fine on my own." Grian pulled himself up to the bed, "I thought I told you to stay away from me."

"Would you have rather me let you and your friend-"


"-Boyfriend freeze to death?"


Xisuma cleared his throat, "Who is this?"

"Suma, this is my mother. I told her to stay away from me when she and my father started beating me to the point of where they started cutting me."

"You're still holding onto that? It's been five years!"


"Look, your father and I ween't good parents."

"Yeah, you don't say. YOU TWO WERE ALWAYS ON SOME FORM OF DAMN DRUG!" Grian jerked his shoulder with that last sentence earning a sharp pain shock through his muscles, "Ah~"

"Easy. Your shoulder's all messed up from the crash."

Grian glared at her, moved himself to a resting position looking away from the Watcher beside him, "Stay away from us. You can finish your treatments but leave us alone afterwards."

"An ambulance will pick you both up in the morning when the storm has died down. Let me get you both some food."

Grian looked to his left and saw a phone there and he dialed up Scar's number.

"Please leave a message."

"Dammit Scar." He heard the message tone, "Scar, it's Grian. Suma and I got into a wreck. We're injured and are going to be transferred to Main Hub Regional in the morning. You'll get a call from them when we're fine to portal over. We'll see you tomorrow."

"Scar not answer?"

"No, sent straight to voicemail."

It felt like hours before Grian could fall asleep again. He didn't eat much to anything at all, knowing that his mother was with them, just watching over them.


The next time Grian woke up, he was in a hospital bed with his right arm in a sling. Right leg wrapped up in a bandage.

"Good afternoon, Grian."

Grian moved his head towards the call, "Scar."

"Feeling better?"

"No. How many drugs am I on right now?"

"I don't know, five?"


"I've already taken Xisuma home. I've been waiting for you to be discharged."

Grian chuckled, the doctor walking in and giving a brief instruction to the two the handing them Grian's papers.

When they got back to Hermitcraft, Grian got something thrown at him.

"What was that for?"

"For driving off a mountain."

"I'ts X's fault. He's the one who shouted."

"Sure blame it on the passenger."

"One more smart remark out of anyone and you're getting on my list."

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