Demon Wars (2)

386 19 8

See previous for warnings


Grian had disappeared into the woods, trying to get a hold of his thoughts.

At one point his fear get too controlled over his mind and his brain went blank, complete darkness.

After hours of being clouded in his own head, he heard voices shouting his name.

Grian laid on the ground wheezing, both of his jagged wings sprawled on top of him. His pure black eyes stared heavily into Xisuma's soul while he walked towards him. Grian growled and hissed at Xisuma to keep him back, seeing all the weapons in the hermit's hands.

"Grian, it's okay, it's me, Xisuma." Xisuma said calmly, throwing his weapon to the side, signalling the others to do the same, "It's okay."

When Xisuma got too close, Grian's wing swung at him, cutting Xisuma's chest only enough to make him bleed slightly. Xisuma didn't back down, he knelt beside the frightened hermit. When he heard whispers he said softly, not wanting to scar Grian any farther, "Guys, he's just scared. He doesn't know what he's doing."

With Grian acting like a feral angel, corrupted even, it was difficult to reach to him inside and out.

"Grian, listen to my voice."

"Xisuma, I don't know what you're doing, but it's not working."

"It's Grian, he's my brother."

"That' what Grian said about you and you nearly drained his entire life force!"

"Grian doesn't drink blood, Impulse. He eats enchanted passion fruits to get out of possessions."

"Is that what this is? Possession?"

"It's corruption. His wings are the sign." Xisuma pulled out an enchanted passion fruit and put it close enough to Grian for him to snatch it out of his hands. Xisuma backed away slowly from the angel. After a minute Grian's wings turned back normal and he passed out, "We play a dangerous game with this kid. Let's get him back to the institute so we can give him purified Angel blood."

Hours later, Grian was awake, talking.

"What happened?"

"My best guess, Suma... Tainted blood."

"Then someone's trying to kill you."

Grian was silent, then a shock of worry/realization, "My mother."

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