It Was Only Supposed to be a Prank

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Warnings: Panic attacks, (quick acting) claustrophobia, slight blood

Scar was on his way to Grians' hobbit hole, thinking to himself on how he'll get back at Grian for stealing his door again.

He didn't think of anything too serious, just putting down a sign saying;

Please put all your gear in the chest provided, no tools, no nothing

He didn't think that anything could go wrong... So he waited nearby, the hole wasn't really deep, only about three blocks lower that the actual base itself, but he wanted to stay nearby in case something were to go wrong.

~Two hours later~

Grian finally arrived two hours later, he read the sign and put his thing in the chest, stepping on the pressure plate, the floor opened beneath him and he was shut in.

Scar was chuckling as he heard the trap activate and he walked over to it, then opened the server comms.

<Grian> Okay, Scar, you've had your fun let me out

<GTWScar> how'd you know it was me?

<Grian> misspellings on the sign, now let me out... please

<Iskall85> What's going on?

<Mumbo> Yeah, Scar, what's going on?

<Iskall85> Gri, are you okay?

<GTWScar> I put him in a hole


<Mumbo> Same

Scar took their warning hastily and opened the hatch and saw Grian huddled in the corner, Scar quickly jumped down and tried comforting the small hermit.

"Oh my god, Grian, I am so sorry. Are you okay?" Scar panicked, all he got in response was Grian pulling his legs closer to himself, Scar picked up the smaller hermit and flew out of the hole and Scar laid him on a bed.

Soon after Mumbo and Iskall came running in, hastily running to Grian.

"Grian, it's okay. Calm down." Iskall said, "Breathe."

"Scar, go get a healing potion." Mumbo said, "Now."

"I don't get what happened though! What's going on?" Scar asked before running off.

"He's claustrophobic!" Mumbo shouted, "Now go."

Iskall and Mumbo continued to calm Grian down as his shaking form started to slow down.

Scar returned seconds later with healing potion that, Mumbo and Iskall slowly gave to Grian.

"Why did you put him in a hole!?" Iskall asked, "He tried punching the walls to get out and obsidian is difficult to break already. Dude, Scar, what the heck!?"

"It was only supposed to be a prank! I didn't know he was claustrophobic!" Scar protested.

"I--It's ok-ay.." Grian said, "You didn't know.."

"Grian, I am so sorry." Scar apologized again, but Mumbo and Iskall only glared at him a little.

"We'll take care of him. He'll be okay." Mumbo said.

"Okay.." Scar replied softly, then left the three alone.

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