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Grian was flying around the back of his mansion to try and determine how much materials he's going to need for the landscaping for the back. He landed at the edge of it and noted down some items.

4 Shulkers of Dirt

4 Shulkers of Grass Blocks

8 Shulks of Stone

2 Boxes of Sand

3 Boxes of Gravel

"That should probably be enough to finish this... Alright, to the grind." He mumbled to himself, then went to fly off the edge. Only to find a second later that he wasn't flying and grabbed the ledge.

"Oh no..." He quickly checked his elytra durability, "Shoot, broken... I am definitely going to die from this height.."

Grian tried pulling his hands to the edge only to have a root pull out and bring him further down.

"Oh come on!!" 

He attempted to bring out his server communicator to signal help.

<Grian> If ANytone is Near m bas I nee ehp

<Xisuma> ???

<Tango> ?????

<GTWScar> I think he's at his base and needing help

<Grian> Yes1 Help1

<Iskall85> I'm near him, I'm coming, G.

"Oh thank Void, Iskall... Please hurry... I am literally about to fall to my- AH." He screamed as the root started to give out, "Oh no... No no no no no no."

He heard rockets as the root broke. 

Grian felt pain in his neck before he hit the ground. Strong arms wrapped around him holding onto him as they floated to the ground.

"You okay Grian?"

"Ow..." Grian groaned then looked up at the hermit, "Yeah, I'm okay.. Thanks."

"What happened?" Iskall asked, looking at the sides of his neck.

"Elytra broke before I could take notice, grabbed the ledge, roots in the grass gave out."

"You'll be okay. Here." He handed Grian a healing potion, "I wanna make sure you don't have any neck damage. I caught you pretty awkwardly and pretty hard."

Grian did so and the pain in his neck ceased instantly.

"Nice catch." Grian chuckled taking Iskall's hand to stand, "I owe you one."

"Don't worry about it Grian. What were you doing up there anyways?"

"Trying to map out how many shulker boxes of supplies for terraforming I'm going to need, but being down here makes me realize I'm going to need double than what I originally thought."

"Good luck with that dude. Check you elytra before you jump off ledges, kay?"

"Yeah, alright, bye Isk."

"See ya around."

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