
495 24 14

Warnings: Black Magic

Relationship: Grian/Etho


"There was once a tale of a red demon. The demon is left to be known as six feet tall, three rows of sharp teeth, claws as sharp as a sword. Its eyes see into your very soul.

A creature of the dark, a creature created from a ravager's jaw, a skeleton's ribs, the iron golem's arms, and rotten flesh of a corrupted villager. On top, place a block of red, and be ready to run."

Etho had gotten a hold of Grian's Watcher book while he was away. He wanted to see this alleged creature. As he was looking around, he remembered that he had extracted all the items stated in the book.

That night while Grian was sleeping, Etho snuck outside and started the ritual. After dropping each item on the ground, the deaged skeleton of the demon appeared. He encased it in white glass then placed the redstone block on top creating the demon who screeched loudly after forming.

Grian was asleep, the underside of his wrist started to glow the Watcher symbol. Grian groaned and ran two fingers over it with his right hand.

"Etho..." Grian turned towards where Etho was supposed to be sleeping, "Etho?"

After a moment, Etho respawned in the bed beside him. And then he realized his book was gone.

Grian slapped him awake and shouted, "DUDE! WHERE'S MY BOOK?!"

Etho rubbed the cheek Grian had just slapped and sat up, "I may have accidentally probably maybe have read it earlier and summoned a demon."

"Etho, I need you to be honest with me. What demon did you summon?"

"Uh... Something about blood?"

Grian ran outside and saw the red skinned demon, "YOU SUMMONED THE BLOODLUSTER!? What the hell were you thinking?!" 

"It sounded like fun!"

"Summoning a demon sounded 'fun'." Grian growled, changing into his Watcher attire, "I can't believe you."

Grian hear a growling behind him, "The Bloodluster is right behind me isn't it?"


Grian turned around and the demon slashed at him, causing his vision to go blind for a few seconds before he could see the room again.

"Etho, run. Get Xisuma, he's the only one who can help me fight this thing."

"And what about the cuts across your chest?"

Grian put up a barrier, "JUST GO! I'LL BE FINE! I'm a Watcher, it can't kill me. So MOVE IT!"

"Are you sure?"

"Etho, for the love of your safety GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!" At that moment when the demon started to cut through Grian's barrier, "This is going to hurt."

At that moment, the demon started to become bounded with a void like rope.

"Grian! Give me a hand!"


"I saw the chat, now help me! I can't hold it down for long!"

With fire on his hands Grian forced a flaming blade through the creature's heart. Xisuma also repeated the same motion, the demon screamed loudly as it started to die. One whip of the tail and it flung Grian across the room.

"Geez, Grian. How much do you weigh?"

"Geez Etho, how strong do you think this demon is?!" Grian shouted, rubbing his now bleeding cheek. Xisuma ran over once he confirmed it was dead, "Next time you steal my book, you're a dead man Etho."

"You both are the perfect couple I swear." Xisuma interrupted, he started healing the cut on Grian's cheek, "How did you not die from that demon?"

"I'm a Watcher, those demons can't kill me. Besides, I was blinded but I'll live."

"Regardless, you both should stay in my base for the night so I can take care of Grian's injuries."

"So my injuries don't matter?" Etho chuckled, "Gee thanks."

"YOU HAVE NO INJURIES FOOL!" Grian and Xisuma shouted, "Quit being petty."

"I'm not being petty!"

Grian glared at him, "You're being petty, now where's my book?"

"You're worried about the book?"

"Xisuma, he stole my book, I want to know where it is."


"I'm going to burn it."

Xisuma and Etho laughed, Etho threw the book at Grian.

"Take my book again without me near, I'm going to murder you."

"Right..." Xisuma took a look at Grian's eyes, "Okay, you've got a concussion, let's go."

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