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It's Halloween and Grian, Ren and Scar were all out creeper hunting as a mini game. Changing the scare board to Creepers killed for the three of them.

As Grian killed a trio of Creepers, Ren shouted at him.

"G! How many points you got?"

Grian looked at the score board, "Forty-two!"


"Hey, I've been doing this all day!" Grian shouted, "Not my fault you're a little slow!"

"GRIAN!" Ren and Scar shouted, Scar laughing. Ren shot an arrow at Grian which hit a creeper, which then exploded behind Grian, ending their game quickly.

Scar and Ren ran up to him quickly after Scar asked someone to sleep so they could skip to day quickly.

"Grian?" Ren asked shaking him.

Grian groaned as he winced rolling onto his back, "It's times like these where I hate my god armour."

Scar and Ren looked at each other a quick second, then Ren grabbed Grian and the two high-tailed it out of there. 

Scar and Ren immediately went to the town hall where Ren laid Grian down on one of the beds and removed Grians' armour. Scar lifted Grians' sweater when he yelped when he put a hand on Grians' stomach.

"Uh.. Ren.." Scar said noticing the wound, "Call Xisuma."



Ren flinched at the shout then did immediately as asked. Xisuma arrived less than five minutes later.

"What's going on here?" Xisuma asked as his server codes started glitching.

"I think Grians' got creeper code." Scar said immediately guiding X to Grian who was sleeping.

Xisuma examined the slightly green wound on Grians' side, "We'll have to detain him until I can fix his code."

"Where?" Scar asked, "We've not had a case of Creeper code since Ren in season four."

"I have a place in my base that he can and will stay in." Xisuma said, "Now let's go before he wakes up."

Once getting Grian situated in a bed in the place where Xisuma wanted to keep him, he started working on Grians' code while he waiting for him to wake up.

"Ouch..." Grian hissed. He noticed the slight hissing in his voice as he sat up in the bed, "Xisuma!?"

Xisuma ran into the room quickly, "Grian! Hey. Good morning." He said keeping his distance.

"X, what isss going on?" Grian stopped talking once more when he heard the hiss on his 's's

"I need you to not panic, I need you to stay calm." Xisuma said semi-calm, "You've got a small case of Creeper Code. It's when a player has low health and stamina then proceeds to get attacked by a creeper."


"Calm down. It's okay." Xisuma said, "I'm just going to have to reset your code, but it's giving me a hard time."


"Shush." Xisuma said, "If you don't calm down you'll explode, then perma-death. I just need to keep you calm okay? I need you to work with me."

Grian calmed his nerves and let Xisuma work and talk.

A couple of hours later Grian was huddled in the farthest corner away from Xisuma. His eyes grew darker as Grian became more frightened.

Hearing the furious typing of Xisuma resetting his code made Grians' breath hiss.

"Grian, almost done." Xisuma said, "You'll be back to you soon."

"How much time is left?" Grian whispered.

"Until your transformation is complete, about an hour and a half." Xisuma said, "All I need is five minutes." 

"Okay." Grian replied.

Roughly five minutes later Xisuma finally got Grians' code to be able to reset.



"3, 2, 1..." Xisuma pressed the enter key on his computer, and Grian disappeared for a brief moment, then reappeared in the cage as if nothing happened. "How do you feel?"

"Like a regular Grian."

Xisuma smiled as he looked back at Grians' player code, which was completely normal again. He unlocked the cage and Grian walked out.

"Thanks.." Grian said rubbing the side of his arm.

"No problem." Xisuma said putting an arm around him walking Grian out of his bases basement, "You need rest, you can stay here for the night."

"I'd like that. Thank you X." Grian said with a smile.

"There's a bed in the corner." Xisuma said, "I'll be here in the morning when you wake up."

<Xisuma> Grian's back to normal, anyone can visit him in the morning.

<GTWScar> Awesome, thanks X!

<Renthedog> Awesomeness!

And with this part at an end, I hope you all enjoyed your Halloween and remained SAFE while doing whatever it was you were doing. Until next time my friends. Feel free to leave suggestions for upcoming parts you'd like read.

Edit: Forgot to mention that this was a request from MossPawz 

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