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Warnings: Implied imprisonment, Kinda 'pet shopping' but hybrids

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma

Summary: Xisuma tells the hermits where he got Grian.


The hermits were all gathered around a fire, it crackled in the night. Grian was laying on top of Xisuma, Xisuma's hand running through his hair calmly.

"Do you guys ever wonder where we got Grian?" Xisuma said out of the blue, Grian looked up at him confused, "It's quite the story."

"What are you talking about, Suma?" Grian asked, still too comfortable to move.

"You don't remember?"


"Then it's story time." Xisuma chuckled, "We actually got Grian from a ring. We were basically looking for a winged person and we-"

"You went human shopping?"

"Hybrid shopping."

"That doesn't make this any better."

"Anyways, three years ago the people who had Grian told me and Ren that they had this one person who kept getting returned."


Grian's young, been returned three times already, each time coming back with more injuries that he had to take care of himself. The last time he came back he was given an ankle support because his ankle was hurt.

It was early in the morning and the store had just opened. An hour after the store opened, two people walked in, both hybrids. Grian just stood and was currently stretching, his sides exposed to the glass door. He was currently shirtless, only in shorts and his ankle support. His wings stretched out fully to his full wingspan, his arms extended above his head, sighing as he let his arms and wings fall down to his sides. His eyes opened with another sigh, his blue irises glancing at the three people in front of the door.

He listened to three talk.

"Those eyes are so enchanting." The one with pointed ears said, "Beautiful."

"You're telling me, Ren." The one who looked like he was from the Void said, "What is he?"

Grian knew the last voice, it was the voice of the shop owner, "His name is Grian, he's an angel-Watcher hybrid. Twelve, returned three times."

"Sounds like he's just never had a good home."

"It doesn't necessarily matter. If he's returned one more time, or not adopted in the next week, he's being put down."

Grian rolled his eyes and walked to the small branch and climbed up in it, laying on it.

"He's adorable. I hear angels are just picky with new families." The voided person said, "They aren't always accepting."

"Hence why we'll be putting him down soon if he's not taken or if he's returned again."

"We'll take him."

"Are you sure you want him?" The owner said, "We have plenty more of the more adaptable winged breeds."

"Yeah, I'm sure. We can work with him."

"Fine, Mr. Void come with me. I'll unlock the cage for your pointed eared friend."

The cage was unlocked, the person walked in.

"Hello little friend."

Grian looked down at the person then back at the end of the tree where his foot was resting, he flexed his toes just a tad to stretch out his muscles.

"I see you got a little injury there. Where'd you get it?"

Grian didn't answer.

"Okay... My name's Ren. Are you okay, Grian?"

Still silence.

"Not a talker?"

Grian gave no voiced response, but threw one of the stuffed animals at Ren. It hit him in the head.

"Ow. You're mean."

"And you're loud. It's one way I've learned on how to get people to shut up."

"Maybe they should put you down, you're a brat."

"LET 'EM." Grian shouted, jumping down, "They killed my parents, kidnapped me from an orphanage, and put me in three abusive homes. So what're you people going to do? The same thing?"

"You're so mean, why?"

"You don't know what I've been through so don't bother questioning why."

Then the other two walked in, the owner tossed Ren a collar and leash, "He needs to wear these on his way out of the store."

"I don't think that'll be necessary." Void said, "He doesn't need to be treated like an animal."

Grian cocked an eyebrow at the Voided person, he walked up to him, "My name's Xisuma. You'll be coming with us to Hermitcraft."


"So you went pet shopping and got an angel-Watcher hybrid?" Doc asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, basically." Xisuma said, earning a slap from Grian, "Okay, that was a bad choice of words. But hey, at least you're not dead."

"HEY." Grian shouted, "But true, at least I'm not dead."

"You're still a brat though. That I agree with Ren completely on."

Grian slapped him again, "Angels are picky."

"I think it's just you."

"Don't make me slap you again."

Doc cleared his throat once, "Go take your lovers quarrel behind your closed door."

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