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Warnings: Nightmare, mentions of abuse, blood and injury, mild swearing

Relationship: Grian/Ren (Fatherly Relationship)

Summary: Grian lives with Ren, Grian has a nightmare.

Extra Things: Grian is basically adopted by Ren, Grian's essentially a nine year old kid, Papa Ren. Dream in italics


He grew up in an orphanage, it wasn't a good one. The kids made fun of him because of his wings and the fact that he slept with a toy to help him sleep. He was constantly pushed around, hit on, talked down on. He quickly grew very antisocial when the administrators started burning him with their cigarettes and cigars.

Today, they locked Grian in his room. He huddled himself in a corner farthest from the door, afraid someone would come in at any moment and beat him. He shook as he started crying, stress and anxiety levels through the roof. He wrapped his wings around him when the door opened.

"Where's the kid?"

"Probably in the corner, crying. Do what you want with him."

He saw a man turn around the door, he huddled under even more.

"Leave. I want to be alone with him."

The door slammed and Grian jumped.

"Scared of loud noises, little one?"

The person's voice was calming, Grian looked up and nodded.

The person let his fingers trail down Grian's neck, he kept flinching away.

"What happened to you? Those are burn marks."

"They put out their lit cigarettes and cigars on me."

"Do they treat every kid like this?"

Grian shook his head. The man hummed, "I'll be back tomorrow, and you'll be out of here."


"You're coming home with me whether you want to or not, kid. I'm going to be back tomorrow."


The next day came, and Grian still hadn't eaten anything. He sat on his bed, blanket in hand. When his door opened and it wasn't the person who came to him yesterday, he tried running away but the person grabbed his arm.

"Don't you run away you little freak."

He said nothing, he was only thrown against the bed.


Ren was on his way over to Grian's room when he heard a scream and he started running down the hall as fast as he could. When he ran in the door, he saw one of the administrators beating Grian and he pushed the person away.


Grian woke with a scream, he held his toy tight to his chest then got up a moment later. He walked slowly to Ren's room, closing the door quietly and going to Ren.

"Ren?" He whispered, "Ren..."

Ren turned around and looked at him, "Hey, what're you doing up? It's three AM."

"I.. I had a nightmare. C-Can I sleep with you?"

"Yeah, of course. Where's your little angel toy?"

"I left it in my room..." Grian said, climbing into Ren's bed, "But you're just as fluffy but more than comforting."

Ren chuckled, then held the young boy close, "I've got you, angel. Don't worry, the scary demons can't hurt you while I'm around."

Grian smiled as he cuddled under Ren, his wing wrapping around the two, Ren looked at the scar on that wing and sighed.

You poor thing, been through hell and back. And you're still happy.

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