Agent (2)

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Summary: Grian and Xisuma are partners now, they both go on mission in the main hub for a week. Blah blah blah they're a couple now too.


Grian and X were just about to leave Hermitcraft for their next mission.

Grian was strapping on his watch when Xisuma started talking.

"Hey, remember our first encounter?"

"Yeah, I threatened to break your jaw with a single kick because you ruined my bust."

"Good times."

"Yeah, and look at us now, in season seven. Partners, lovers, and dumbasses all in one."


"It's true and you know it."

Xisuma chuckled and tossed Grian one of his bracelet gadgets.

As they went to leave, they both followed each other out through the portal appearing on top of the building they needed to be in.

"Alright, there's a vent over there, we can get in to where the two Watchers are being held and watch."

"Grian, you're an agent, not a Watcher right now."

"Dude, my powers are used very subtly when I'm in the field. Now move your cooch."

"I hate you."

"Uh huh. Go."

As they crawled through the vent, Xisuma landed first, Grian beside him, his left arm stabilizing him on the thin beam as they looked over the room.

Two Watchers stood in a cage, their wings chained to their backs, ankles and wrists chained to the ground. Grian winced at the sight.

"You okay?" Xisuma whispered, "You look a little unsettled."

"I'm fine." Grian whispered back, "It's just that this sight reminds me of when I was a kid. I was put through torture. It's where I got the brand on my shoulder."

Xisuma hummed quietly and watched as their target walked in the room.

"That's Randal. He-"

"I know who he is Suma. He used to be my friend, then he betrayed me."

"Gotta love betrayal."

"Dude. Shush, listen."

"You're both smart Watchers. So tell me where your son is."

"Grian, do the honours." Xisuma smirked, Grian chuckled, then carefully made his way to where their target was about to touch a button. But Grian, jumped from the rafters with a flip, kicking him away from the panal.His neck was exposed to the two Watchers behind him, for a second he heard them gasp, but he turned his attention back to the target.

"Hello, Randal." Grian smirked, "Remember me? The kid you put through torture?"

"Agent Xel." Randal chuckled, "Good to see you again."

"Likewise. Let the Watchers go or perish."

"You're alone, what could you possibly do."

Grian smirked, "Take a step to the right for me. For... Old times sake."

Randal took a step to the right and Xisuma jumped on top of him, knocking him out immediately.

"HA. Nice one dude." Grian chuckled, tossing him a pair of cuffs, "I'll get the Watchers out."

Grian started hacking through the panel, the chains released one by one, landing on the ground with a loud, ear-piercing rattle.

"Hang on, what's your agent name?" The female Watcher asked, looking at the scars across Grian's body, "You're.."

"Agent Xel." Grian said, "Let me call in transportation and we'll make sure you both have no fatal injuries."

He pulled his wrist up to his face, called in transportation, and the female Watcher looked at the mark on Grian's neck.

She felt her breath escape her, and she brought her hand up to the mark causing Grian to flinch, "Grian?"

He froze, glanced at X then turned around.


"You're-You're alive! I-I can't believe you're alive!"

She tried to hug him, but he flinched back, "You abandoned me when I was a child! I don't need you touching me."

"What? No, Grian... I didn't abandon you. You were taken from me at a young age."

"That's what you want me to believe. Look, we need to get moving." He turned to Xisuma, "Let's get to the roof, chopper will be here in a minute."

After their debrief, instead of going back to Hermitcraft, the two agents decided to go into the training hall and beat each other up.

When they attacked themselves, Xisuma didn't get a chance to block an attack and he got kicked in the jaw.

"Faster Xisuma."

"Dude, you have a kick of death."

"I know, which is why you shouldn't challenge me to a fight. 'Cuz you have a high chance of getting your jaw broken because of it."

"Either way, it's still a death kick."

"Kiss it."

"No! Gross!"

"Xelqua, Xisuma."

"What?" The two groaned in unison.

Then  Grian saw who was with the person who called, and they left, "What do you want, mother?"

"I wanted to clear things up between us."

"I do not. I've said my peace, I've done my job, you may leave."

"But, Grian-"

"No, you may leave. Suma and I are going home."

It was almost midnight when Grian got an emergency alert on his watch. With the room being dark, the screen's brightness hurt his eyes.

Security Breach: You and Xisuma are in danger.

"Shit, Suma, get up. We need to suit up."

"What? What's going on?"

"Our covers were blown, we need to protect everyone."

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