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Warnings: Implied Ambush, blood, broken bones & wing, Comatose

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma (But like a fatherly type of relationship)

Summary: Grian appears randomly in Xisuma's base completely unconscious with his left arm broken in three places and his wing also broken.


<Xisuma> He's not been back from the main hub for days, I'm starting to worry.

<Mumbo> Dude, I'm sure Grian's fine.

<Xisuma> No, Mumbo. I don't think he is and it's worrying me so much.

<Mumbo> X, you've literally *raised* Grian since you found him on the streets of the hub. I'm sure he's fine.

<Xisuma> Mumbo, if you don't recall, Grian is a Watcher. There's a lot of people after him. I took him in because he's young and tiny. He's easily able to be overpowered.

A loud crash racked through his base. 

<Mumbo> XISUMA.

<Xisuma> Sorry, something just fell in my base. Hang on.

Xisuma ran to the source of the noise, bringing out his sword in case it was an unwanted visitor. He immediately saw feathers on the ground and dropped his sword and began moving things off of the large pile.

"Holy- Grian!" He shouted, then began slightly shaking the small hermit, "Grian, wake up!"

He wouldn't move, he barely looked like he was breathing. Grian was covered in blood and cuts, one large gash laid on his arm that looked mangled. He immediately called Scar and picked Grian up.


"Grian just came through a Void portal or something. He came back hurt. I need you here now."



"I was going to say 'I'm on my way'. Geez, I'll call Cub as well."

"Make it fast. He's barely breathing."

He laid Grian in a bed and started setting his mangled arm.

"What happened to you kid?" Xisuma mumbled, "You're completely comatose, how?"

He moved Grian's head and saw a burn mark, a branding, of an eye.

Oh... They found you.

Scar and Cub then walked in, "How is he?"

"Not great, the Watchers must have found him in the main hub. There's an eye branding on the side of his neck, freshly burned."

"What is it with Watchers and branding people?"

"I don't know, but this is how I found him when he was young."

"Let us take care of him." Scar said pulling Xisuma's hands away from Grian, "Wait for us outside."

"A-Are you sure?"

"Yes, Xisuma. We'll take care of Grian."


As Xisuma left, Scar and Cub quickly made work of Grian's injuries.

"Get healing two, Cub. We'll put it in the IV."

"It's a full coma, Scar. I'll grab oxygen too."

They worked for two hours, nonstop, no breaks, no interruptions.

So when they were finished, Xisuma wouldn't leave Grians' side as Scar and Cub explained what was going on. They'd had hooked him up to oxygen, put his arm up in a cast, and splinted his wing.

"Is he going to wake up?" Xisuma asked softly, puting his hand gently on Grian's exposed chest, "Please tell me he's going to be okay."

"He's going to be fine. He'll make a full recovery, why are you so worked up after we told you he's going to be fine?"

"Scar, I found him when he was a young Watcher. He had no one, he was only like ten when I found him and Watchers age quickly which is why he's twenty six while he's been with us." Xisuma explained, remembering what Grian looked like when he first found him, "He's basically my own kid. I care about him."

"We all do, but you more than us. You took him in, took care of him. You gave him a home with friends."

As the day went on, it went into the night time. Straight to midnight.

By that time, Xisuma had let Grian's head lay against his chest. Grian woke up silently, hoping not to have woken Xisuma, but he subconsciously pulled his un-splinted wing over the two of them.

Xisuma hummed, "Grian?"

Grian only whined and moved closer and more comfortably into Xisuma.

"Are you oka-"

"Shh..." Grian grumbled, "Sleepy."

Xisuma felt Grian's non broken arm wrap around him and tighten, making Grian feel comforted, loved, safe. Knowing that he was okay in Xisuma's  embrace, he slept peacefully throughout the night.

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