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Warnings: Blood, Injury, 'mild' swearing

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma

Grian - Fire Captain of 137. Ren, Scar, and Iskall are all on his team.
Xisuma - Police Sergeant. Doc, Tango, and Impulse are all on his team.


"Attention 137, we have a man bleeding victim says attacker was a chicken, at 45 Cherabol Lane."

"This should be fun." Grian chuckled turning on the radio, "137 responding. Punch it."

"Grian, you know this isn't a game." Ren said, "As funny as this might be."

"Nah, Ren, you don't get it. I know this address. We're in for a treat."

"You've responded to a call here before?"

"Twice. You'll find out what happens when we get there."


"HCFD!" Grian shouted walking out of the truck, "Where is he?"

A paramedic walked over with the victim, "Captain Xel."

"Chim." Grian chuckled, "Get him to the hospital, we'll find his 'attacker'."

"Why are you so happy about this?"

"Because it's hilarious."

The gang heard clucking, Grian stayed where he was as it ran around.


"Actually, it's a rooster." Grian corrected, "He runs a Cock Fighting ring."

Grian watched as his team ran around like headless chickens trying to catch the rooster.


Grian snorted as he grabbed a nearby towel, sneaking up on the rooster and surrounding it with the towel, "Shh, shh. It's okay. You're safe."

"You're an ass, Cap." Iskall said, Grian taking off the small thin blade. Grian looked at him with a wide smile.

"Hey, he's disarmed. Can't hurt anyone now."

"I hate you."

"No one said you had to love me." Grian chuckled, "That's Xisuma's job."

"HCPD. What's going on here?"

"Speak of the devil." Grian walked over to Xisuma, "Take care of this for me? Thanks."

Xisuma stuttered his next words, "I- What? Grian-"

Grian and his team left Xisuma with confusion on what to do with the rooster. Though the team left to eat dinner at the station.

The 137 were having dinner in the station and the team was teasing Grian.

"Oh yeah. You think it's very funny don't you?" Ren said, staring Grian in the eye, "You know exactly what to do with that, don't you?"

Grian shrugged, then Iskall chimed in, "Oh yeah he does. I mean, he's even got Xisuma under his wings! Dudes, he's 'Grian the cock whisperer'! He knows every way to-"

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