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Grian hid behind a corner of his mansion trying to catch his breath from something chasing him. He peeked around the corner and the being came rushing at him. Grian brought out rockets and spammed them to get into the sky. He knew it was useless but he knew that he could out maneuver the thing chasing him.

He took a look back and sure enough the being was still behind him quickly gaining on him.

"Go away!" He tried shouting, but it only came off as a squeak.

He kept flying, he rushed through the hermit infested jungle hoping to lose the thing behind him. When he looked behind him, the being was still following, closer this time. He noticed that the darker the area was the closer the being was. Grian quickly used three more rockets and went straight up, clipping on the tree and taking three hearts of damage as he did.

"Don't like the light?" Grian taunted, but the thing kept flying towards him and he kept going.

It just keeps following. Stop following me! I don't know what you are.


He heard someone or something call his name. He quickly shook it off.


He heard it again. It was louder this time.


Grian gasped as he shot up his breathing quick and sporadic.


He looked towards the voice, then gathered his thoughts.


"Yeah. Are you okay?"

"I... What happened?"

"I don't know, you were flying to your hobbit home and hit the tree." Scar said looking at the scratches scattering Grians' chest, "I had to quickly run over and grab you before you died of fall damage."

"That explains the headache." Grian said pulling a hand to his head.

"What were you dreaming about?" Scar asked looking closer at Grians' eyes, "It looked pretty... violent."

"I... I don't know."

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