A Light at the End of the Tunnel Is Dim

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Warnings: Implied torture, blood, injury, kidnapping

Relationship: Grian/Ren

Summary: Ren's been missing for a month and a half, Grian is unaware of what's happening.

Types: A.O.B Dynamics
Omega Watcher-Werewolf hybrid Grian
Alpha Werewolf Ren


One Watcher had Ren tied down to a poll, he was bleeding from a cut on the side of his face.

"Where's the boy?"

"I'm not telling you where Grian is. You'll kill him."

"That's why we want to know where he's at."

"Too bad! He's not your property! He has MY claim marks and is under my protection. So you can leave him alone and forget your search."

"You're stubborn. I don't like it."

"I'm alpha. You're a beta Watcher. I can smell it on you."

The Watcher walked away from him, Ren looked on the wall at the clock.

It's a full moon tonight... I can get out of here and get back to Grian!


The hermits were having a meeting about anything relating to Ren.

"Okay, so, we all know that Ren is missing except for Grian." Xisuma started, "Hence why he isn't here. We need to keep him happy and distracted while the rest of us are looking for Ren. Who volunteers as Grian entertainers?"

"The kid's a Watcher-Werewolf hybrid, so it can't be that hard." Impulse started, "Where's the wolf nip?"

"We aren't drugging Grian." Xisuma groaned, "Just keep him happy."

"Hey, it IS one way to keep him happy and distracted."

"Just find him. Everyone else, what've we got on Ren?"


Impulse found Grian in a field rolling around in the grass, "Okay, this is definitely one of the weirder things I've seen you do."

Grian made a confused noise then sat up, the tall grass surrounding him, "Hi Impulse. What's up?"

He cleared his throat, "Well, you wanna hang?"

"If you wanna roll around in the grass, sure."

"What is your obsession with the tall grass lately?"

"I dunno, can't find Ren lately, I've gained a stone and a half, rolling in the grass makes me feel happy."

Impulse noticeably jumped backwards at the mention about Ren. He said nothing and hung out with Grian.

"Hey, do you mind if I text Xisuma real quick?"

"Go ahead, I'mma be in the tall grass, rolling around being weird."

"Y-Yeah, you do that."

<ImpulseSV> Xisuma, Grian told me that he gained a stone.... He knows nothing about Ren so that's good.

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