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TW: Blood

Mumbo was flying above the ocean when his elytra suddenly broke.

"Oh no... nononononono..-!" He landed in the water pretty hard. And with it being night there was a lot of drowned where he was.

Where's BDubs when you need him!?

When a couple drowned's came up to him, they started to drag him down deeper. Mumbo kept fighting them and soon one of the drowned took a bit at his arm, drawing blood which went up to the surface of the ocean.


 Grian was flying through night sky enjoying the night and realizing that there was a dark patch of water in the ocean.

"What the....?" He said to himself, he then looked to the chats.

<MumboJumbo> Drowned ocean bitten helop

<Tango> ??

<Xisuma> Where?

<MumboJumbo> Shopign distirfct

I'm near the district...

"MUMBO." He gasped then dived down into the ocean. The last thing he saw above the surface was someone going to the edge of the district. 

As he dived down through the ocean, he quickly saw Mumbo fighting a couple drowneds. Grian slayed two of them and made eye contact with Mumbo before getting shot in the arm with a trident.

Grian realized his elytra was still active and used a rocket to slay the trident holding drowned and killed it, then heard the sounds of drowning, and realized he was close to it, he used another rocket, grabbed Mumbo and shot up to the surface.

When the reached said surface, Grian flew carefully to the shore where he saw five hermits standing. He laid Mumbo on the ground and fell to his back and began coughing and blacked out.

~Time Skippy Skip~

Mumbo was the first awake of the two. He noticed Scar beside a different hermit covered in bandages. Then remembered the last night.


"Scar, is Grian okay?" He asked weakly sitting up. When Scar turned around he continued to replace Grians' bandages on his arm and shoulder before speaking.

"Yeah, he'll be fine. I don't think he realized that he got bit twice and hit by that trident twice. He's been out of it ever since he blacked out on the shore." Scar then wiped a wound clean and replaced the bandage, "How're you feeling, Mumbo?"

"I'm alright." Came Mumbo's immediate reply, "I can't believe he just dived into the water like that."

"You can't?" Scar chuckled, "Your his best friend. He helps everyone, even if they don't need it. You however, needed it. Considering you got shot by the trident wielder once, bitten twice, and scratched at by your ankle. Be careful when you're walking. I'm the on duty medic all day today because Joe, Stress, and Keralis all had to go off world on an emergency. Xisuma should be here to check up on you guys soon."

"Thanks, Scar." Mumbo said then leaned against the wall, letting his head be lazily relaxed against it as Scar walked out for a hot moment.

~A Hour Later~

Grian woke slowly, he groaned and winced at the pain in his arm and shoulder. He sat up slowly, his body complaining at every move.

"Grian, hey. How are you feeling?" Mumbo asked, Grian turned his attention over to him.

"Hey.." He groaned at how hoarse his voice sounded, "I'm feeling okay. I see you're alright."

"Yeah, thanks to you. I was positive that I was going to die down there."

"You can always count on the hero this server never asked for." Grian chuckled, "My shoulder is killing me though."

"Scar said you got hit by that trident twice. I guess it hit twice in the same shoulder."

"Certainly feels like it."

"Is that Grian I hear?"

"Scar?" Grian said curious on who was there. And sure enough, Scar and Xisuma both walked in the door.

"Hey." Scar chuckled, gently helping Grian shift to where he was sitting against the wall, "I'm glad to see you're doing alright, you scared us."

Grian let out a embarrassed chuckle and smiled.

"I wasn't planning on getting hurt."

"No one really is." Scar chuckled.

"Well my friends there seems to be good news and bad news." Xisuma said interrupting the conversations.

"Which are?" Grian and Mumbo asked in unison.

"Grian, you're not able to fly with that shoulder injury, but you'll heal rather quickly, same with Mumbo. Bad news is that the both of you are limited on what you're able to do and you don't get to go anywhere alone." Xisuma replied, "Grian, I'm going to have Scar with you since you're relatively more injured than Mumbo, Mumbo, Iskall is with you. Don't do anything stupid."

"I make zero promises." Grian chuckled. Scar rolled his eyes at him as Xisuma left the room and Iskall walked in.

Iskall tended to Mumbo and led him out the door and out into the outdoors.

Scar did the same with Grian after making sure he could walk properly.

"Nice save."

"Not my most gracious one. But at least I got a head out of it!"

Grian immediately put the drowned player head on and scared Scar.

"Sometimes I wonder why we're friends."

Grian chuckled as he took off the head, "Because you love me."

"As much of this which may be true... You're still a gremlin."

 "You're still a snail."

"That makes zero sense."

"Neither does my life. But here we are."

Hallo! Just a friendly reminder that any and all requests are welcome as long as you give me a small bit of, "this is kinda what I'm expecting."

Stay safe!

<3 PN

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