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Warnings: none that are too serious to my knowledge... I think.

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma

Summary: Grian left with the Watchers to protect hermitcraft. He knew that meant that he would be pit on trial for his 'crimes'.


He sat in a cell until two Watchers walked in front of it.

"Up." They demanded, Grian complied, "Hands behind your head and turn around."

Grian once more complied as one of the guards walked behind him and roughly chained his hands behind his back. He winced quietly when the angle of the chains got uncomfortable against him.

The two guards took Grian by his arms and began walking him out.

He pretended that he didn't care what was coming. He knew what he did was right.

"Because of your actions you are considered inferior. You care for smaller beings as if they were your children. Any comments, prisoner XG?"

"We are Watchers. It's our job to watch over the smaller person. You see me as inferior because I left to live in a world that was peaceful, and I protected them." Grian said, his voice almost a growl, "Those people are my family."

"Because of your impurities, you are sentenced to death. Do you any last words?"

"I fought for what I thought was right. You demons have no morals, no feelings, no respect. Everyone you see as inferior is only because they don't see to your twisted ways. And when you do find those inferiorities, you destroy them."

"Bold choice of words. And since you stand by those, we sentence you to death by beheading."

As soon as the Watcher said that, the doors swung open, "STOP. HE'S INNOCENT."

All the attention, minus Grian's, was brought to the shouter.

"Xelqua is innocent." The voice sounded once more, "He's been a loyal watcher ever since he went to hermitcraft. His memories were altered by me."

Grian finally pulled his attention to the person who interrupted the trial. The person who shouted was a tall male, mask, purple eyes. When he walked through the gate, the Watchers left for a conference whether or not to hear the new plea.

Grian leaned over to him and whispered, "Impeccable timing as always, Xisuma."

"Grian, I don't plan on just presenting the memories I altered."

Grian sighed, "You're supposed to be getting me out of trouble. Not in more trouble."

"Trust me."

"You do know I'm risking my life here right? I am literally on death row, and they plan on doing it now."

"I know, I know."

"You do know if they find out you're a watcher too, they'll put you on trial as well, right?"

Grian then noticed what Xisuma had planned, "You are such an idiot. Risking your life for mine."

"Some people are worth dying for."

"Hermitcraft needs you."

"They need you too. You're their hope."

Grian and Xisuma turned their attention to the Watchers that walked back out, Grian's eyes shining the purple for the Watchers.

"We have decided to deny the footage." The main watcher said, "Prisoner XG is sentenced to beheading effective immediately. Take him to the platform."

Grian leaned to Xisuma one last time before getting grabbed rather violently, "I hope you have a good plan that works."

Xisuma watched in worry and fright at how calm Grian seemed in this.


When Grian was shoved down to his knees, his head forced to lay flat, it wasn't too long until Xisuma was put beside him.

"So you do have a death wish today." Grian said, "Why are you so dumb sometimes?"

"Oh shut up and pick your locks."

Grian uncomfortably shuffled his hands to start picking the locks on his chain with the pin Xisuma sneaked to him.

He winced before he heard the lock crack, signaling that it was unlocked. He glanced to Xisuma and gave a small nod before the ax of the executioner was at the base of his neck.

"Any last words, convict?"

"Yes actually." He looked at him quickly, "I hope you burn for an eternity."

"It's gonna be nice to see your head on a stake smart mouth."

He raised the ax. Right as he swung down, Grian used lightning fast speed to get the cuffs off, grab Xisuma, and fly into the air. Xisuma followed his moves.

"Y'know, we would love to stick around." Grian said, "Actually no, we wouldn't. You all suck."

Xisuma snickered before creating a portal and the two flew into it.

When they arrived in Hermitcraft, Grian and Xisuma used their magic and put a curse on the watcher realm, making sure they wouldn't be able to harm anyone else.

"That was some trip." Xisuma said trying to lighten the mood.

Grian punched him in the arm, "Are you kidding me? I was literally at Deaths door."

"Your fault."

Grian sent him a death glare, "Watch yourself, or you and I are gonna have some STRONG words."

The two didn't notice the four hermits standing behind them, when Grian went to walk away, Xisuma stopped him by grabbing his hand.

"Hey." Grian looked at him, "I love you, you know that."

"I know, but sometimes you're a giant spoon. Don't take Mumbo's title."


"Congratulations you've made a name for yourself." Grian was half way into the sky before, "Oh and X.... Thanks for the save."

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