Hot & Cold

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Relationship: Grian/Tango

Summary: It's winter, it's cold. Grian's cold, Tango's warm. TANGO'S A FREAKING BLANKET.


<Grian> Tangooooo

<Tango> Uh oh

<Xisuma> Someone's being summoned.

<Grian> Tangoooooooo

<Tango> Yeah?

<Grian> Tango, I fell.

<Grian> I'm cold.

<Tango> It's five feet of snow outside! Where did you fall?

<Grian> I.. I don't know.

<Grian> All I know is that there's a lot of snow and I can't fly out.

<Grian> Help. XD

<Tango> Dang it Grian... I'll come for you. Where's a landmark?

Grian popped his head above the snow bank where he fell in. 

<Grian> Town hall... I think I'm outside the barge. But it's hard to tell.

<Tango> Good lord. Hang on, I'll be right there.


<Tango> For the love of.. Stay where you are.

<Grian> You don't have to tell me twice.

Grian tried digging himself out of the snow bank, only to have more snow fall on top of him. He continuously clawed his way out of the snow until someone grabbed his hand and he was yanked out.


"Hi Tango.." Grian chuckled, then sneezed, "It's cold."

"Yeah, you don't say." Tango pulled Grian up to where he could carry him securely and safely, "C'mon. Let's get you somewhere warm."

"But you are warm."

"Uh huh, yeah."

With Tango being a Nether-Demon, he had a natural warmth radiating off his body, consistently warming up Grian's body.

As he was bringing Grian back to his base, Grian continued to warm up against Tango's body.

When Tango landed inside he realized that Grian was asleep he walked to the bedroom and threw Grian on the ground.

"I was asleep!"

"I know. Get out of those clothes. They're wet."

"But I was warm against you!"

"Grian, get into something warm. I'll be right back."

In five minutes Tango came back and threw dry clothes at Grian, "Put those on and get in bed snow monster."

"I wouldn't be a snow monster if you just heated up the place."

"You did that on purpose. You fell into the snow on purpose."

"Yeah, because I wanted your blanket feely thing."

Tango chuckled and laid in the bed, "You're a mess."


After a small bit of warming up, Tango and Grian were supposedly watching a movie but Grian had fallen asleep against his warmth.


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