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Warnings: Blood and Injury, Betrayal, Panic, Mild Swearing, 

Characters: Dream Team, Grian, Xisuma, False, Ren, Sam

Things to know: There are going to be real world type competitions in this because I don't watch enough MCC to even know what different parts there are to it. I also do not watch Dream or anyone on the Dream team really. THESE THINGS ARE SLIGHTLY ALTERED! Don't get mad at me :(

Summary: Grian thought he was in for a good game when himself and the others were invited to the MCC on the same team. He didn't know Sam was going to be there.

PN: I don't know how this'll turn out but okay.


"Y'know, that you're worried about the MCC, Mumbo. But I've done this a thousand times." Grian said lightly punching Mumbo in the arm, "I'm not going to get hurt."

A beacon showed going through the townhall.

"What on HC is that?" Mumbo asked pointing at the beacon.

Grian looked over to it, "That's the MCC beacon... Why is there only one?"

He ran up to the steps when he got a call.


"You're seeing the beacon too, right?"

"Yeah, it's the MCC beacon. Are you on your way?"

"Yeah, False and Ren are with me as well."


With the call ending, Grian opened the box that laid on the ground.

"It's all one box? Hang on.." Grian mumbled, picking up the note as the other three flew in, "Congratulations Xisumavoid, Renthedog, FalseSymmetry, and Grian, you are all invited to join the MCC as the Red Ravens. You will be alerted to when you'll be transported to your trianing world."

"Wow, we have never all been on the same team before." Ren chuckled as Grian handed them their attire, "This is gonna be fun."

"Very much so."

Three Weeks Later

"IT'S MCC WEEK!" Grian shouted, "You guys excited?"

"Calm down man, this is competition." Ren chuckled.

"I know, I know." Grian replied immediately, "I just figured out that I'm going up against Dream. in the Foot Race."

"Seriously? Good luck with that one man, Dream's a strong one."

"Yeah, yeah. He still has it out for me from when I killed him last season."

"You're a mess. Did you get your bracelet?"

"The one that blocks out my powers? Yeah. It won't turn on until the beginning of the event."

The four continued talking until Dream's team came up to them and Dream slapped Grian on the back, "Hey, good luck... Pal."

Something about his tone set Grian off just a little, "I uh... You too, Dream."

When he walked away, Grian rubbed the spot where he hit, "Ow... He must have been working out. That's quite the hit."

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