Life Isn't All Sunshines And Rainbows

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Warnings: Blood, Violence, Mind Control, Murder, Kidnapping, Cages/Cells, Hostage Situation Kinda, Murder, Violence, Have I mentioned Murder Yet?, Swearing

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma (Brotherly Relationship)

Grian/Xisuma: Watchers and brothers, they both grew up with each other but at 17, Grian was taken away and Xisuma was sent to a different world (Hermitcraft)

Cub/Scar: Vex. That's all you need to know about how this is going to go.

Summary: If you've read the above, I don't think we need one.

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"Oh you think you're funny, don't you, Xelqua?"

"Actually, I tend to find myself quite hilarious. It's not my fault you don't have a sense of humour!"

"Grian. Can we not piss off the people who are about to kill our friends?"

"If they wanted to kill them, they would have already."

That morning

"GRIAN." Someone shouted from behind him, making him yelp and jump, quickly turning around, "Grian, what the hell?"

"I- What? What did I do?" Grian asked, looking at the egged hermit, "I didn't do this Xisuma, but I think it's an improvement."

"Uh, rude." Xisuma replied crossing his arms, "I know you have a history with eggs, dude. Why did you egg me?"

"I don't know why you think I did this, but the look of yolk looks good on your head."

Xisuma glared at him and flicked some leftover yolk at Grian.

Grian wiped his face, "Ew."

"Then quit laughing."

"Dude, just jump in the river. It'll wash the yolk off. But I didn't egg you."

"Whatever, Grian."

"Is there a reason why you're here or are you just here to accuse me of things I didn't do?"

"You're jumpy today."

"You're accusing me of something I didn't do, dude." Grian chuckled, then got a pain in his chest, "Ah... Ow."

"You okay?"

"I- Yeah. I'm alright. It's just that time of the month where the Watchers try and track me down through my mark."

Xisuma walked up to him and waved some purple eye out of his face, "Seems a little more than that. You've got purple eyes around your head."

"That's... That's not good." A sudden look of panic struck Grian's face, "Call an emergency meeting, NOW. They've found us."

With a quick flap of his wings, he flew into the air and tried looking for a breach.

"Grian! Anything!?"

"I can't see anything! Don't let anyone travel through the nether, get everyone who's in the end out." Grian shouted, then landed beside him, "Teleport the farthest hermits to the town hall."

Not even a minute later, everyone was gathered in the hall, each hermit slightly frightened, others thinking it's just a 'boy cried wolf' situation.

When Xisuma stopped midsentence Grian stood in front of him, snapped his fingers twice in his face, and waved his hand in front of him, "Suma? Suma... SUMA."

"Grian, what's wrong with X?"

"I-I don't know." Grian replied, worry in his voice, "SUMA, WAKE UP."

Xisuma didn't wake up, instead, he kicked Grian off of where they were standing. He landed on his back, hermits shouting his name.

"Grian, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Suma isn't."

"Hello Xelqua."

"That's not Suma's voice." Grian mumbled, shrinking down, "That... That's not Suma..."

Hands rested on his shoulders, then two more on his chest as he tried squirming away from Xisuma, trembling as he moved.


Out of his fear, Grian heard Scar's voice and snapped himself out of his fearful trance.

He stood immediately, "We need to leave, now."

He went to move, but he froze.


"I-I-I can't move."

He felt like a thousand pounds of weight was put on his body, unable to move, almost starting a panic attack. His breathing got quicker, flashbacks played in his head, then four Watchers appeared through a single, large broken portal in front of them. Grian let out a frightened whimper as they looked at him.

"It's time to come home, Xelqua."

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