
563 21 13

Warnings: Smoking, swearing, drugs

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma

Grian - Undercover cop
Xisuma - Captain 


It was a light rain in the middle of the night, Grian was currently leaned against a van with his foot propped up against it. He was currently smoking a cigarette while waiting for his contact.

Once he saw the headlights pull into the alley, the driver stepped out, "When did you pick up smoking?"

"Couple months ago. I'm gonna need nicotine patches to get out of this addiction." Grian responded, putting the cigarette out on his wrist, "Anyways, you wanted to meet?"

"Yeah, you've been undercover for months now. You need to make a move."

"And do what? If I tip off cops they'll trace it straight to me and empty a mag in my head."

"This drug gang is moving their forces out, Grian. You need to do something now before you lose your chance."

Grian sighed, "We meet at the south harbor for a drug exchange with another gang. Be there a 10pm sharp and you'll have your bust."

Grian's phone buzzed, "I gotta go. Rags is wanting me."

Grian lit another cigarette and went to walk away, "I'll see you around Cap."

When Grian walked into his warehouse his boss yelled over to him.

"Sandoval! My office, now!"

Grian rolled his eyes, "Sandoval do this, Sandoval do that. I hope you get shot in the head you little bastard."

He walked into the office, "What?"

"I need you to observe the next shift of workers. I think we have people stealing cocaine."

"And how is this my problem?"

"You work here. Now do your job and put out that fucking cigarette."

"You're the one who forced me to start so you can deal with it." Grian snapped, blowing a puff of second hand smoke in the leader's face, "I'll be doing my job if you don't mind."

"You''re lucky you're my best worker otherwise I'd have you whacked."

"What are we? The mafia? You can't have me whacked anyways. Bye Rags."

Grian stood on the balcony with a rifle on his back observing the groups of people handling the drugs. He tapped his cig on the railing and poke to himself, "God I need to quit these things. They'll kill me before any bullet."

And so he observed, the loud clacking of machines and anything else that was making loud noises.

That night while Grian was sleeping he got a call from someone.


"You better watch yourself Sandoval. Tomorrow night you'll be shot."

"Sure whatever."

"Aren't you scared?"

"No because murderers don't call personal cell phones to admit they're going to shoot someone. Besides, I know you, why the hell would you shoot me?"

"How'd you know it was me Grian?"

"Who can forget that accent, Xisuma? Why are you calling me?"

"We bugged your phone and the warehouses in the south harbor. They're talking about you and we're pulling you immediately tomorrow night when we come at 10PM."

"Good. I'm tired of being here and I'm tired of smoking."

"Then quit."

"Dude, I work in a drug ring. Smoking is releasing stress."

"How much do you smoke a day?"

"I try and stay at about two sticks but that turns to two packs a day and I hate it."

"I'll buy you nicotine patches. Why'd you pick it up anyways?"

"Was kinda forced too. They saw me with one of the smokers so they forced me to start."

He heard footsteps, "I gotta go."

A light shined on him, "Who was that, S?"

"Johnathan. Now leave me alone."

~South Harbor; 10PM~

Grian was listening to the two dealers talk when Grian noticed an unmarked van.

"Were we expecting a third party?" Grian asked with a heavy accent, "I don't think we was expecting a third party."



The lords put their hands up, Grian then walked to the cops, "Welcome."


"It's Grian you dumbass." He looked towards the cops, he put the cigarette out on his wrist, "I need to quit these things. Take 'em away boys."

Xisuma handed Grian nicotine patches with a concerned look while he stared at his wrist, "Quit putting lit cigs out on your wrists. You're covered in burns."

"I just want to go home and shower dude. And maybe throw away these clothes. I'm tired of smelling smoke."

"You're an idiot."


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