I've Been Tagged, Oof

1.1K 13 3

1. Do I like someone?

No. I'm prefer to be alone

2. Do they like you back

Don't got one.

3. Middle name

I prefer to keep my name private, all aspects of it.

4. Single or Taken

Imma single bitch

5. Girl bestfriend


6. Guy bestfriend


7. Non-binary best friend

Don't think I have one?

8. Favourite OTP

Uh... I don't have one

9. Last person I texted

My discord trying to out one of my guys for this tag

10. Last song I listened too

I'm Not Okay - Citizen Soldier

11. Battery Percentage

My laptop is at 92% and charging while my phone is at 61% and charging

12. Locksreen

Don't have the picture on my computer. But it's an angel with a red background.

13. Reason for Wattpad

Uh, originally to just read, but now it's to write and read.

14. Birthday

I'll expose this one, it's actually this weekend. 14.11.2001

Fun Fact: I am not English. I write in English (UK) ways because it's simple for me to understand and it still gets the point across. I am actually an USA writer, but my heritage is Irish and French.

I also play flute, saxophone, and piano.

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