Trouble In Paradise

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Warnings: Lying, Liquor, Anger, Fire

Relationship: Grian/Etho

Grian - Fire Captain

This seems very rushed and uninspired.... XD


"Etho, you don't understand." Grian started, "My mother doesn't know that I'm gay. She's extremely homophobic so she hates gays."

"And you're wanting to hide our relationship with Cleo? Grian just tell her."

"I will! I will, I just... It's one day. One meal-"

"Grian, I'm not hiding our relationship. And you know I hate that."

"I know, and I'm sorry." He walked in front of him, "I know it's not ideal, but-"

"But nothing Grian!" Etho nearly shouted, "Can't your mother just accept you for you?"

"No she can't. You don't know her like I do! Trust me, I don't want to see her either, she's the worst mother. She doesn't even know I'm a fire captain for the 137. She hates everything dangerous."

"So she's a helicopter mother? That's your main concern?"

"No, no, no. My main concern is her not accepting us when I tell her." 

"Sounds like that's your mother needs a reality check."

"Just pick up some tequila."

"Why? You never drink."

"Ease my nerves you crazy Canadian!" Grian took a breath, "I'm sorry, just please?"

"Fine, but on one condition."

"Name it."

"You tell your mother about being a Watcher, fire fighter, and being gay."

Grian bit his lip and strained a groan, "Yes of coarse."

"You're not going to do it, are you?"

"I'm gonna try. I promise."

~The next day~

Their plan was set and Grian's mother was on his doorstep.

"Okay, Cleo, you don't have to say anything. Just stay here and look pretty like you always do."

"Gee thanks, Grian."

"Sorry.." There were a few knocks on his door, Etho had forced Grian to tend to the lunch in his uniform, "I got it!"

As he opened the door, he went to greet his mother, but she immediately started lecturing him.

"What are you a fire fighter? Ridiculous, you're too small."

"I-I'm a captain actually... Uh, please, come in."

"Your house is too small, your girlfriend looks weird, the guy in the kitchen is dressed in a costume-"

"Hey, let's stop judging my girlfriend and friend. Lunch."

As they ate, Grian's mother would not shut up on criticizing Grian and his life choices.

"At least you aren't gay. That would be the worst thing ever. You'd be even more of a freak."

His mother kept talking about him, and in a moment Grian's eyes turned purple, "THAT'S IT! I'M TIRED OF PRETENDING FOR YOU. Cleo is not my girlfriend, I don't have a girlfriend. But what would YOU know!? You never called you never checked in, you've never even texted to say 'hi'! So what's the point of trying to be you?" Grian snapped, he stood up and continued shouting, not realizing his wings came out, "I have a boyfriend, and his name is Etho. We are happy. And all I am to you is a stupid little kid. I am a Firehouse CAPTAIN! And you can't even have that one little bit of happiness for that? I've-"

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