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Warnings: Blood, injury, kidnapping

Summary: Grian, kidnapped from his parents at five years old, has been taken to an omega trafficking ring. Except there, he is forced to do things he hadn't thought he'd ever be doing.

Relationship: Tango (Demon Alpha) x Grian (Angel Omega)

IDEA FROM mosspawz! Y'all should check out some of her stuff. It's great! (Plus the stuff she sends in Discord is awesome too. [Shameless self promotion for both of us basically] But it's awesome.)



That's the name he was given after being brainwashed

 He knew not of what he do. He knew not of where he was.

An angel omega, missing, and in the hands of evil. No one knew him. He was only told to follow orders.

When he attempted to deny those orders, he'd be beat.

He couldn't fly, his wing was broken so that prevented him from doing so. The collar around his neck didn't give him any other choice but to submit to the conditions he was put to.

None of which good.

He'd been gone for years. As long as he could remember.

All he knew were names.

Sam, Roy, Wolf...

All of which, would give his children away, but he'd never know. He couldn't know.

All he knew were that the chains against his wrists, wings, and ankles were keeping him from running off, being 'saved', or even standing at times.

He had no freedom.

There wasn't a day that goes by, that he doesn't worry about being killed or forced to do something he didn't want.

Though he had grown accustomed to obeying demands. Nothing he would do would go unnoticed.

Everyday was the same for him.

Wake up, take 'suiters', then less than a month later those children being taken away for experimentation.

Today was slightly different.

Instead of a different animal alpha, a demon walked into his cell. Grian closed his eyes and let his head bow to his chest. His feathers ruffled against his wings.


Without looking at the alpha, he stood slowly. The chains rattling loudly with the other omegas howling for their own release. It was loud in this cell block.

The demon in front of him put two fingers under his chin and forced him to look him in the eyes.

"He's cute."

"You may have him any way you'd like. But then he's to return back to his cell."

"Very well. Unlock him."

In a second the chains were ripped from his body, and the demon guided him out and to a room.

He locked the door behind him.

"What's your name?"

"Wings, sir."

"How long have you been here? You're awfully young."

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