Agent (1)

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Warnings: Mild Swearing

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma (Developing)

Summary: Grian's an undercover secret agent, Xisuma is tasked with finding him in the main hub and stopping his operation not knowing that it's him.


Xisuma stood on a high place, analyzing each player on the ground when he spotted a short, blonde player.

System Analyzing...

A full profile appeared in front of X's eyes as the system read out loud when the blonde turned around. The picture had Grian with scars across his eye, which made his pupil greyed out, scars across his neck, and three brandings visible to everyone.

Player: Xelqua Grian C-V

Role: Watcher and Admin of the Evolutions Server

He is considered highly dangerous and is to be avoided at all times.

"Where'd he get the scars, and what are the marks?"

Records say he was brutally attacked by multiple people and magical beings. He is considered highly dangerous because of his Watcher powers. Xelqua has been trained to kill and fight without pause.

Xelqua was branded with two of the Watcher's traditional marks, an eye and their broken portal. The broken portal mark sits on the back of his neck, the eye on the front of his collarbone. He has a 'G'  branded on the bottom of his wrist that he put there himself.

"Where's he headed?"

Large building, tenth floor, the exchange is in progress.

Xisuma tuned into the conversation between him and the exchangers.



"Where's the cut?"

He handed him a briefcase he pulled out of his inventory.

"There's the case. Where's the group?"

Exchange has been made, Xisuma, go, go, go!

In a second, Xisuma shot a grappling hook at the building and crashed through the window.

"EVERYBODY DOWN." He shouted, "Nobody move."

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU IMBECILE!?" Grian shouted, then saw Jameson start running away and he jumped up and grabbed the rafters then tackled the exchanger to the ground, foot planted on the back of his neck, "Stay down. One move and your neck is broken." Grian looked up once again, "What the hell do you think you're doing?! You're ruining my mission!"

"Mission? What?"

Soon the place was flooded with other agents and Grian had to move out of the way.

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