Emergency Meeting

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Grian was working in the new Mycelium HQ when three HEP members walked in.

"Uh... Hey Scar... Tango, Xisuma.."

"Hello Grian."

The four exchanged glances before Grian darted to the table and pressed the emergency meeting button, just to be tackled to the ground immediately.

"AH. X! Get off me."

"Sorry Grian. But we're commandeering this build."

"WHAT!? Wait... You're not X..."

"That is correct my dear boy." He whispered as Grian struggled under the hold, "Now be quiet. This isn't going to be the same place where you wake up."

"IMPUL.....se.." Grian shouted as his consciousness depleted.

~Three Hours Later~

When Grian woke up him immediately noticed that he wasn't alone. 

"Impulse, Etho..." He groaned at how hoarse his voice sounded, "Guys. Wake up."

"Oh... My head." Impulse groaned.

"Where are we?" Etho asked.

"Last thing I remember is being attacked by... HEP." Grian said.

"That wasn't the normal HEP."

"Scar?!" The trio shouted.

"Keep your voices down!" Scar whisper shouted walking over to them and untying their binds, "We aren't the only ones, the entire HEP team is here and then there's you three."

"Wait, Xisuma and Tango are here too?" Grian asked rubbing his wrists.

"Yes, three days ago the HEP team was developing a plan to infiltrate your guys' base. When we all didn't agree on a 'right way' to do it, we all went off into separate ideas and when we tried coming back together, Keralis, Cub, BDubs, and False never came back." Scar explained lighting a torch revealing each missing hermit, "Then Xisuma's counterpart came and kidnapped myself, Tango and Xisuma with evil versions of ourselves. There was no chance of winning."

Evil counterparts....?

"Oh no." Grian gasped, "We gotta get out of this hole."

"We don't have tools, Grian. None of us do. They took them all off us." Tango said, "We don't even have our communicators. Xisuma can't teleport us to the surface."

Grian didn't look at them, "Grian, you look distraught." Xisuma said putting a hand on his shoulder only to have Grian pull away and gasp immediately.

"Sorry, X. Um... I have extra parts to a communicator in my ender chest, I can put that together and signal that for help, but I don't know if I'd be able to send out a text signal."

The other hermits watched as Grian got together the parts and started putting them together...

"I can't send out a text signal.." Grian said, thought for a moment, "Is there any other hermit that knows Morse Code?"

A few murmurs against the crowd before Xisuma chimed in.

"Doc, Iskall and Mumbo. They're all able to read Morse Code, but Iskall and Doc are the only ones able to track it."

"Doc's idle, isn't he?"

"That he is."

"Iskall is our only choice then... Okay." Grian sighed, "Please work."

... --- ...     ... --- ...     ... --- ...


Iskall heard a random beeping noise. But it seemed to fluid to be random.

"Is that... Hold up." He ran to his anvil and brought out paper.

... --- ...

"S...... O.... S- It's Grian. Let's get a location."

"WHY IS HE UNDERGROUND?!" Iskall shouted to himself as he ran into his nether portal and to the shopping district.

Is he seriously just under the Barge?

When he walked into the barge though, following the coordinates, he ran right into-


"Hello, Iskall."

You look like Grian... But I'm still getting a distress call...

"You're not Grian."

"Do you have to make things difficult?" The Grian lookalike asked grabbing Iskalls' arm.

Iskall however was smart, he grabbed his sword and killed the lookalike then picked up the bits.

Server comms... We got evil lookalikes everywhere I guess.

... --- ...

.. ... -.- .- .-.. .-.. --..--      .-- .     -. . . -..     .... . .-.. .--.

"Grian, I know you need help. Shut up."

He dug down until he was at the coordinates.

"Hey guys."

"ISKALL!" Grian shouted, "Thanks, uh, did you happen to run into a Grian lookalike?"

"Yeah I did. He dropped all your server communicators." Iskall replied as he threw each hermit their devices, "What're you guys doing down here anyways?"

"We were kidnapped. And Evil lookalikes of us did it. We need to go." Scar said as Iskall put down an Ender chest and Scar pulled out his rocket box and threw a stack to each hermit, "We need to save Hermitcraft."

"An evil Scar is nothing, but an evil Tango and Xisuma... That's rough." Impulse said, "We need to go."

Each hermits flew out of the hole one by one, Grian and Scar being the last ones.



"How many lookalikes do you have?"

"Two. Ones an actual robot, the other is just an idiot NPC who's obsessed with Rustic Houses. Why?"

"Iskall killed one but I think there's another roaming the server."

"We gotta go. That has to be RG. Only I know how to stop him."

With that the two flew up to the surface where Xisuma was laying out a plan.

"... Iskall and BDubs I need you with Grian for when he kills this other lookalike. We're ending this today."

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