
999 38 18

Warnings: Alcohol, Drunken Grian, Light Swearing

Relationship: Grian/Zedaph

Summary: Zedaph finds Grian drunk in his mansion.


Grian never drinks. He never cared for the taste of it.

So when Zedaph found him, it was a surprising.

~One hour before~

"Have you two heard from Grian lately?" Zedaph asked looking through his communicator while working with Impulse and Tango, "He's not answered my texts all day."

"No clue." Tango said, "Maybe he's just busy."

"I don't know.. He always answers my texts."

"If you're so worried about it Zed, go find him." Impulse said, "We can finish up here."

"Are you sure?"

"We're sure Zed. Go check on your boyfriend."


He flew off without another word.

Landing in the shopping district outside the barge, he immediately walked in, expecting him to be stocking. But he wasn't there.

"Hey, Mumbo..." Zed started when he saw Mumbo searching through a chest, "Have you seen Grian?"

"Not since yesterday. He looked like he had something on his mind." Mumbo said, then added, "But he didn't seem to want to talk about it."

"Okay.. Do you know where he might be?" Zed asked slightly confused, "He's been acting really strange lately. He's not been answering any of my texts."

"That is very strange... Check his mansion, he might be there. If not, I'd contact Xisuma and have him track him."


"No problem. Good luck, let me know if you find him."

"Will do."

At this point, he was starting to worry. He knew about Grian's depression and how bad it could get.

"No, Zed." Zedaph told himself, "Get those thoughts out of your head. It's Grian, I'm sure he's fine.."

I hope.

He landed in front of the lower part of the mansion and walked through. He looked around every corner and didn't find him. Then he remembered the main part of the mansion that was right above him and walked up the stairs.

When he walked in, he gawked at how much he had gotten done.

He heard a bottle clink and he quickly walked over to where he heard it.

"Grian! There you are..." Zedaph slowed his sentence when he saw Grian leaning against a pillar with his head staring at the ceiling, a bottle in his left hand, "Grian? What's going on? You reek of alcohol. You never drink."

"Go away, Zedaph." Grian said, his voice gravelly.

"Grian.." He kneeled beside him, "Where's your communicator?"

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