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<Mumbo> Guys, I can't find Grian and I'm worried

<renthedog> What do you mean you can't find him?

<Mumbo> I feel bad and I want to apologize to him.

<renthedog> What did you do?

<Mumbo> We got into a fight after he let a creeper accidentally blow up in my base.

<Mumbo> Then I blamed it on his Watcher past... 

<renthedog> Mumbo, you know he's sensitive about that, why would you do that?

<Mumbo> I was angry, I didn't mean for it to come off as it did. I immediately regretted it the moment I said it and now I can't find him to apologize.

<renthedog> I have an idea of where he might be... but I'm going alone..

Ren sighed as he put his communicator away. He knew when Grian usually got upset he'd go somewhere he felt safe. In this case since it was someone blaming him on his Watcher past, Ren had a feeling he was in his hobbit hole. He immediately flew over.

Upon landing in front of the hobbit hole door, he walked in silently.

"Grian?" He called out, his voice barely above normal level. He began to walk around until he saw Grian in one of the corners with his legs tucked to his chest.


"Go away." Grian said in broken sobs, "I'm bad and you shouldn't be around me."

"Grian, buddy.." Ren said walking over and kneeling in front of him, "You're not bad."

"Everyone keeps telling me so. So I have to believe it."

"Gri, you are the one good thing that came out of that whole watcher mess." Ren said grabbing his hand, "I thought you were proud of that."

When Grian didn't answer him, Ren grabbed his other hand and looked him in the eyes.

"Grian, bud, look at me."

Grian slightly looked at him, only moving his eyes.

"You're only a victim who fell to their hand. Whatever they made you do, wasn't to your own demand or will. Because unlike them, you have morals and care for players lives. You're a kind soul who knows nothing but pain and regret at times."

Ren went to grab Grians' chin and guided his head to look at him more. He then moved his thumb to wipe away Grians' tear.

"You see a world of pain and regret. What we see..." Ren smiled at him, "What the hermits see is a kind hearted soul who puts everyone before himself."

"But Mumbo-"

"Mumbo can be a bumbling idiot some days. When he gets frustrated, he can say things that he doesn't mean."

Grian extended his legs slowly past Ren.

"You really think so?"

"I know so, Grian." Ren said with a smile, grabbed him by his hands and pulled him to his feet, "C'mon. Let's take a fly, clear your head."

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