Lost and Found

742 31 20

Warnings: Blood, Injury, Running Away

Relationship: Grian/Tango

Summary: Tango finds Grian seemingly unconscious on an island while flying. He brings him to Xisuma for help.


Grian's an angel, recruited by the Watchers to because of his smarts. He's a small angel, and because he's a hybrid, he was smaller than the Watchers born into the breed.

When he was recruited, he was immediately taken from his parents. A young angel, nine, forcibly taken away ripped from the arms of his loving parents.

His new powers helped him be stronger, faster, more agile, but he felt as if he was only wanted for what he was, not what he could do. He made weapons, potions, spells, and everything in between. 

He felt like a prisoner of his own mind, while he was shackled to the ground, being forced to do their bidding.

He fell asleep while working on a device for them one day, his head laying on the table on top of his folded arms.

Grian was quickly woken up by someone slamming something on the table.

"Huh? What? What's going on?" He gasped looking around frantically, then saw the Watcher on his right, "Oh."

"Don't you 'oh' me young man." The Watcher threatened, "Get back to work."

"C'mon! You people have kept me up for the past four days working with no sleep. I need a break."

"You will get a break when we say you will get a break. Until then, get. Back. To. Work."

The Watcher left, Grian sighed and got back to work, "One day I'll get out of here. And when I do, I will see my parents again."

"You'd be lucky if they're even alive, Grian." His coworker said, "I know the person they recruited before you, they killed their parent."

"Sometimes you need to think positive, Chantara. If you always think negative, you're always going to be negative. Never seeing anything in different light." Grian said, his voice going to a whisper as he continued to work on a device, "And I plan on escaping soon. I'm smart, that's why I'm here."

"We're all smart."

"Then why haven't you even tried thinking of escaping?"

"BECAUSE. WE'RE. SMART. We aren't idiots, you escape a Watcher, you tend to end up dead."

"Yeah, well I have a death wish. Being in this place is a death wish."

Hours later, he was struggling to stay awake, but he finally finished the device and managed to cut his chain off with it.

"You guys sure you don't want to come?"

"It's your death wish, Grian."

Behind him, he created a portal to some random world. He said his goodbyes and walked through.

For the first time in years, the sun felt nice against his skin. The sand between his toes were grainy and rough, but he supposed it was better than the cold texture of the concrete of his previous conditions. As he walked, he felt the wind blowing calmly through his hair, calming his Watcher features, his eyes turning from their bright purple to a light blue. The touch of the soft, lightly wet grass had started to feel nice against the soles of his feet and ankles.

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