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Warnings: Blood, Injury, Unconsciousness, Attempted Murder, Sam

Relationship: Grian/Etho , Grian/Xisuma (Brotherly)


The hermits were informed of an armed assailant in their world, every hermit never went off alone, unless they really had too. Grian and Etho were usually partners in things, but they were separated and Grian had to find his way out of the jungle to get back to Etho.

But Etho was dealing with his own problem. Sam, Grian's old abuser, had him at the base of his sword.

"I know you're smart." Sam growled, "Don't do anything wrong, give me all the answers I want, and we'll continue on with life."

"What do you want to know?" Etho asked, his hands up in surrender, "I'll tell you what you want."

Sam pointed to the picture of Grian and Etho, "The youngest Watcher. Where is he?"

"You'll kill him."

"Well, he and I have 'unfinished' business."

"That unfinished business will end with Grian being dead! Besides, I don't know where he is! Even if I did, I'd never tell you."

"I'm sure you can be persuaded. I have my ways of finding people, one of those being hunting."

Three knocks were heard on the door, "That's probably your boyfriend. One word and you're dead. Tell him you don't love him, and carry on."


Sam went to the closet and closed it. Etho went over and answered the door.

"Etho, why the hell was the door locked?" Grian asked walking in and rubbing his shoulder, "After I got grazed by that skeleton's arrow I crashed into a tree and hurt my shoulder. What the heck is going on with you?"

"Grian I think you need to go."

"What? Why? I live here?"

"Grian, please just go."

"Etho I don't understand."

"What part of, 'I don't care about you' don't you understand, Grian!?"

Grian took a step back, "All of it. You never act like this! So explain yourself."

"Grian, just leave!" Etho shouted, then whispered, "I don't want you to get hurt."

Etho glanced towards the closet and Grian got the message, "Fine. I'll leave."

Grian flew away, Sam walked out of the closet, "You're smart, ninja. But not smart enough."

"You said you wouldn't hurt him!"

"I never said it was me... But it is, and when he ran out, he triggered a netting trap that's hunting him down now." Sam growled, then stabbed Etho in the stomach, "And I won't have you get in my way."


As Grian was flying, he heard a loud snap. But when he turned around he got snared in a net and was sent plummeting to the ground, crashing through multiple trees, then into the ground where the net tangled completely into his wings quickly deeming him unable to move.

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