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Warnings: Blood (Mentioned), 

Relationship: Grian/Ren

Summary: After Ren accidentally turns Grian in a fit of rage, Ren feels guilty about it but Grian refuses to leave him.


~Eight Hours Before~

"REN WILL YOU CALM DOWN FOR ONE SECOND!?" Grian shouted as he walked behind him quickly, "Ren, I-"

"Grian, I said I don't need your help right now." He snapped turning around, "I just need you to leave."

"Ren, did I do something wrong?" Grian asked, "Ren, I need you to listen to me!"

They were in the middle of the shopping district with their argument, not realizing that Xisuma and a couple other hermits were outside as well.

"Ren!" Grian finally shouted and grabbed his wrist, "Ren, did I-AH~"

Grian screamed when Ren swung at him, he fell to the concrete ground and pulled his hand to his neck. Breathing heavily when he saw the blood against his hand.

"Oh my god, Grian.. I am so sorry." Ren quickly apologized, Grian's breathing was shaking as he tried to stay away from Ren.

Suddenly two hermits were beside Grian and he flinched harshly.

He whimpered when someone moved his hand, "Grian, it's okay, it's okay."

Through his fright he could hear someone yelling at Ren, but he didn't pay too much attention to it.

"Ren, what the hell is wrong with you?!"

"It was an accident! I didn't mean to scratch him!"

"Dude, your hands are literally in the form of your claws! You know how dangerous that is!"

"I said, I didn't mean to hurt him!"

"Yeah, well now when he first turns, you're going to have to be there and help him through it!"

"I know! Now we have two werewolves on the server and I--..."

"That's enough!" Xisuma shouted, "Ren, I'm taking Grian to my base so I can help the scratch."

Grian trembled as Xisuma pulled him to his feet.

"Meet me there in an hour."

~One Hour Later~

Xisuma had finished cleaning the scratch on Grian's neck, but he was still trembling.

"I don't understand what I did wrong..." Grian whimpered, "W-why-Why would h-he just hi-hit m-m-me like that?"

"Grian, it's nothing on you, I think Ren's just having a bad day."


Both their attention went to the South African hermit as they walked in.

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