Halloween Special!

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Mature themes; watered down alcohol, punch, normal party things, G gets a little tipsy but eh, he's fine.

It's Halloween on the hermitcraft server and there was a party planned at the town hall at sundown. Grian was hanging out in his mansion just getting ready on this fine afternoon, Xisuma, Ren, Doc, and Scar were all part of the Halloween team so they were finishing setting up the rest of the party things such as the punch, food, and decorations.

Grian looked in one of his mirrors and put on a ragged old button up shirt on and black jeans. He decided to leave the mask for last and decided it would be best to wait for that part. He decided to try and get his make-up done for the costume with fake blood, the works. All of it.

Though while he was in the middle of doing his make-up, he saw sharp claws behind him, he screamed and quickly turned around and gasped for breath when he realized it was only Mumbo.

"Dude, you scared me." Grian said.

"Dude, it's Halloween. I'm just doing the norm." Mumbo chuckled taking off the glove, "Anyways, I was hoping you could give me a hand with the make-up portion of my costume."

"Yeah, sure." Grian said, "Take a seat and dresser Grian will help you with your Halloween needs."

It took a little longer than what Grian wanted to finish doing his and Mumbos' make-up, Grian grabbed the mask and ran out with Mumbo and swiftly flying to the town hall together.

Arriving into the town hall, there were stream lights glowing purple, blue, red, you name it, streamers were put absolutely everywhere.

"Mumbo, Grian." Xisuma said, "Welcome."

"Scream." Grian chuckled, "This is gonna be so much fun."

"Especially now." Xisuma said, "CUB! Music!"

Cub nodded and quickly put on a track of custom tracks and other songs into a jukebox and the first song that started playing was, "Hermit Gang."

"Oh, this hurt the first thousand times." Grian said pitifully, "Anyways, let's get this party started."

~Two hours later~

Grian was talking to Mumbo when his vision started going wonky, "Dude, was the punch spiked?"

"I think it was." Mumbo chuckled, "No more punch for you."

"Probably the best idea." Grian said, "Did X mention that the punch was spiked?"

"Yes, but you weren't listening." Mumbo said.

"Of coarse he did." Grian replied looking to the side, "Oh well. I'll just take the nether home."

"I'm walking you home." Mumbo said.

"Uh huh." Grian said, "We'll see about that."

"Is that a challenge?" 

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't."

Mumbo rolled his eyes as the night went on, Grian stupidly kept drinking the punch and by the end of the party Mumbo took Grian home.

"Dude, you didn't have to take me home. I'm not that drunk."

"You're tipsy is what you are and you and your troublemaking self thought it would be a good idea to throw punch at Scar and Cub."


"You're an idiot." Mumbo chuckled, "Go sleep. You're gonna end up having a small hangover tomorrow. When will you learn?"

"Never apparently."

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