Abuse (2)

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A happy ending :) 'Tis very fluffy

By the time Grian woke up and was able to leave, it had been two days. Xisuma walked into his room while he was putting his sweater on.

"Hey, G."

"Hey." Grian greeted.

"You ready to go?" Xisuma asked tossing Grians' phone to him.

Grian stumbled to catch it then spoke, "Yeah."

Xisuma motioned him to follow him, "What do you want for lunch?"

"Eh, you choose. I'm indecisive." Grian said, "Plus I don't exactly know what's here... I don't get out often."

"You like Mexican?"

"I don't think I've ever really had... Mexican before.." Grian mumbled, "I've always had some form of small item chucked at me for a meal."

"I know the perfect place." Xisuma said.

Grian then suddenly remembered it was Friday.

"Wait, what about school?"

"Don't worry about it. The school knows that I'll get the both of us caught up quickly. They also know that I'll be having to help take care of you while you recover for the next few days."


"Don't feel guilty about it G." Xisuma said as the two walked outside and to X's car, "I volunteered to help. Besides, you're my friend, and friends take care of each other."

Grian smiled as he watched Xisuma enter his car, he followed in, buckling up and letting X start up the car. Grian then pulled out his phone and started looking though the messages.

Just a day of asking how he was, some general chatting... he scrolled up a little farther and saw something that caught his eye.

"So that's how you feel." Grian chuckled.

"What're you going on about?"


That was the only word he had to say before X's face almost went bright red.

"I still can't believe I didn't change your nickname." He chuckled, "Still gonna punch Iskall when I see him."

"Ha." Grian taunted, "This concussion is killer..."

"Yeah, gonna be rough for the next month while you heal."

As Grian continued to scroll through the various amounts of texts he finally spoke, "Wow... They really love teasing you."

"It's why I don't tell people I like someone." Xisuma chuckled, "And by people, I mean Iskall. Cuz then he blasts it across the entire chat and I lose my cool factor."

"Well... What would you rather have?" Grian chuckled, "A cool factor or a Grian?"

"If I'm being honest..." Xisuma said pulling into the restaurant parking lot, "A Grian. C'mon. Let's get you some food. You've been through a lot these last couple weeks. And I'd rather you keep your strength."

"I... Thanks, X." Grian said following him into the restaurant.

~One hour later because I don't necessarily do restaurant scenes~

As the two were driving back to Xisuma's Grian had another thing strike him.

"I... I don't have to go back home... Do I?"

"I don't want you too." Xisuma said, "It could make your injuries worse... Or give you new ones."

Xisumas' phone rings dramatically. Answering, he says;

"Yeah mum? What's up?"

"Hey, X, Grian with you?"

"That he is. Why?"

"I have good news."

"Which is?"

"Your father and I are now Grians' primary care givers and he can stay with us for as long as he likes."

"Can or will?" Grian and Xisuma asked.


"Awesome." Grian chuckled.

"Thanks mum!" Xisuma said, then ended the call, "Well, that settles that problem."

"So what happens now?"

"Well... All that really happens is that you get the love you deserve."

"Even from one of my favourite people?"

"Don't push it."


"But yes."

When Xisumas' message tone went up, it was from the other hermits;

Mumbo: Hey, how's G?

X Loves You: I'm fine, Xisuma is driving at the moment

Iskall: Ha

Mumbo changed the nickname for Grian to Grian

Grian: Thanks Mumbo

Mumbo: Ignore Iskall, he's a bit of an idiot

Iskall: HEY

Rendog: It's true though

Docm77: Yup

Etho: I concur with the above hermits

Tango: When did you become Joe?

Joe: Tango, don't push your limits

Impulse: Why are we threatening Tango and calling Iskall an idiot again?

Grian: He changed my nickname in this chat apparently

Impulse: Yeah, Iskall's an idiot

Iskall: HEY! >:-(

Mumbo: Deal with it Isk, you're outnumbered.

Iskall: I hope you all get hit over the head

Scar: I would say, may the wrath of a thousand scars rain upon you, but that's my thing and I'm not getting picked on

Iskall: :(

Grian: Deal with it.

X: Someone's feisty

Grian: Don't text and drive

X: Dude, look up from your phone

Grian then looked up and saw that they were at Xisumas' he quickly hid his face.

"Ha. Welcome home, come."

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